Monday, December 30, 2019
The Vietnam War Essay - 1140 Words
The Vietnam War Student unrest and the Vietnam War In the middle 1960s, every male in America had to register for Selective Service Draft at age 18. He would then be eligible for the draft and could be inducted into the Army for a period of two years. If you were a college student, you could receive a deferment and would be able to finish college without the fear of being drafted. However, once finished with college, a students name would be put to the very top of the draft list and could be deployed at anytime. The anti-war movement was about young men being drafted and then sent into war that most Americans did not believe threatened the security of the US. The Vietnam War was America’s rebellious war, a war without popular support†¦show more content†¦College students were aware that over 38,000 American troops had been killed in Vietnam and if something wasn’t done on the streets of America, many more would die. With tensions running high all over America’s college campues, the unrest of the anti-war movent was just about to get worse. Nixon’s decision to engage more troops into a sensless War, sparked a new wave of protests that errupted into many violent standoffs. Unknown to the country, this unrest would take a fatal and trajic turn. On May 4, 1970, Kent State went into history as one of the most powerful single events and images that America would ever witness during the Vietnam era. It would be reminisant of a battle field engagement, as gunfire would fill the Midwest college campus and bring the front lines of Americas war over Vietnam. In 13 chaotic seconds, the Ohio National Guard fired their weapons at antiwar demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine. The shootings solidified the antiwar movement not only in America, but worldwide as well. By the next day photographs of the slain students, and the horror that was depicted over every possilbe news media, immortilized the name Kent State and cut through the nations conscience. Think about the War that America is involved in now, why isn’t there the same unrest and turmoil among college stundents and everyday Americans? In comparison, there is no draft. I believe much of the stundent unrest could have been the threat of any young American going toShow MoreRelatedThe War Of Vietnam And The Vietnam War1525 Words  | 7 PagesThe war in Vietnam is The United States and other capitalist bloc countries supported South Vietnam (Republic of Vietnam) against the support by the Soviet Union and other socialist bloc countries of North Vietnam (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) and the Vietcong of war. Which occurred during the Cold War of Vietnam (main battlefield), Laos, and Cambodia. This is the biggest and longtime war in American history during the 1960s (Best 2008). It is also the most significant war after World War IIRead MoreThe Vietnam War On Vietnam1725 Words  | 7 PagesThe War on Vietnam Many believe that the way Americans entered the war against the North Vietnam communists was unjust. The United States got into a war that they had no clue on how to win. â€Å"The Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North Vietnam and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The divisive war, increasingly unpopular at home, ended with the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 1973Read MoreThe Vietnam War : Vietnam1170 Words  | 5 PagesBeyond Vietnam. The Vietnam War is one of the most traumatic episodes in the history of the United States. Not only because it ended with a defeat for the United States Army, but because unleashed the largest wave of protests in the country, in which the government lost support. Extended over more than a decade, between 1959 to April 30 of 1975, although the US intervened in 1965, in which American soldiers experienced in firsthand scenes of destruction and death. During the Vietnam War clashedRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam920 Words  | 4 Pages1940’s Vietnam was trying to break free of French reign over their country. During this time period Vietnam was split into two parts, north and south. The Japanese had decided to take over Vietnam in 1942. They couldn’t capture all of Vietnam, so they decided to retreat. North Vietnam proclaimed independence on September 2, 1945 as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The State of Vietnam declared independence on June 14, 1949, but rema ined under French rule until August 1, 1954. South Vietnam was theRead MoreVietnam And The Vietnam War1711 Words  | 7 Pages â€Æ' The Vietnam War was one of the bloodiest wars in the history of Vietnam. Vietnam use to be a peaceful country until the idea of communism started spreading across Vietnam. Many wanted to stay democratic but saw what happened to the Germans and started to lean towards communism. Many also wanted to stay democratic and still had it hopes high that it will soon get their lives and economy back on track. It later exploded into a huge argument and then leads to a civil war spurring between NorthRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam952 Words  | 4 Pageswords that describe the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War had 240 days of combat in one year. World War II had forty days of combat in four years(Interesting Facts). That statistic shows how rough the Vietnam War was. The fighting was constant between the two sides. This war was fought over politics and had many gruesome battles. Before the Vietnam war, Vietnam was in a revolution because they did not want to be ruled by France. Vietnam wanted to be independent right after World War II ended in 1945. JapanRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1534 Words  | 7 Pages The Vietnam War began November 1st, 1955 and ended April 30th, 1975. It was a long costly war that involved North Vietnam and their Southern allies, known as Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its main ally the United States. This war was very unpopular at home and would end with the withdrawal of the United States and the unification of Vietnam under communist control. Many think of war as something that just men are involved in but very rarely do people think of the role of women in the warRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1573 Words  | 7 PagesA. The Vietnam War occurred from 1955-1975, this included the North and South fighting over government structure of the newly independent state of Vietnam, having recently become independent f rom France. However, the USA was in Vietnam as a sort of protection for the South Vietnamese people, who had a weaker army force, but only a few thousand Americans were in Vietnam for that purpose at the time. On August 7, 1964, the USA entered the war for the purpose of fighting the North Vietnamese due toRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam2003 Words  | 9 PagesThe Vietnam War in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia lasted from November 1st, 1955 to around April 30th, 1975. The war was split up between two sides, North Vietnam, who were allied with the Soviet Union, China, and most of the communist countries during this time period, and South Vietnam, who were allied with the United States and many countries that were against the belief of Communism. Although the United States did not necessarily have to get involved in the war, they believed that they had too soRead MoreVietnam And The Vietnam War1987 Words  | 8 PagesIn 1945, at the end of WWII, Vietnam started their war for ind ependence against their colonial rulers, France. Nine years after the start of the First Indochina War, the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu which led to a peace conference in Geneva. At the conference, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam received their independence from France. However, Vietnam was divided between a Communist North and a Democratic South. In 1958, Communist- supported guerrillas in South Vietnam, known as the Viet Cong, began
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Descriptive Statistics Paper - 1184 Words
The housing market was once known as the biggest money making industry in the United States. Housing, which was the way our economy made the majority of their money, is now contributing less to the economic expansion. The decline in the housing market has raised many concerns throughout the entire country. This paper provides statistics on the United States population housing market, economy, demographical characteristics, demographical area and the large amount vacant property. Included in this research document are analysis of data sets, charts and graph to help interpret the housing crisis. Research Problem The purpose of this research is to determine why the housing market is in a downfall and if there is a way to get homeowners†¦show more content†¦ Source: Census Bureau. (April 29, 2007). Vacant Homes Stacking Up Around the Nation. Housing Doom. Retrieved. November 9, 2008 from World Wide Web. Available: http://housing The housing market has been facing the outcome of a decline of community growth for homeowners refinancing their mortgages due to the increase of rising surroundings foreclosure rates. The rise in vacant homes have led to lower revenues for communities because the government is failing to support completely and come to the aid of existing struggling homeowners and persevering the opportunities for future owners. City managers, mayors, and other elected public officials have a moral obligation ask the federal government for assistance in order to alleviate the crisis. The real estate market can stabilize if the government will pass bills, which include tax provisions to help curb the rise in foreclosures. The situation will not get any better if homeowners do not advocate for reform in lending practices and by allowing the government to ignore the pleas for their homes not to be ended up on the auction block. The radical changes in the economy have left an exceptional mark on how society currently is viewing the housing market and the possible outcome of a recession. The US economy will undoubtedly slide into recession if the numbers of home values continue to drop, and continuing access to new credit. The generally usedShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Statistics Paper1701 Words  | 7 PagesDescripitive Statistics Paper Descriptive Statistics Paper Laura L. Mason, Becky Matlock, and Nichole Noble RES/341 June 15, 2011 David Morrisson Descriptive Statistics Paper Major League Baseball is known as America’s favorite pastime, and MLB teams spend an extensive amount of money in the excess of a billion dollars with the ultimate goal to win the World Series. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019
Essay about Overpopulation in the United States - 1949 Words
Overpopulation in the United States The world is being over populated with humans not only in China but in the United States of America as well. The problem isn’t as obvious in the United States as in other countries, but I believe over-populated nations will soon become a problem everywhere in the world. Population is not a bad thing in all situations, but I think that our population growth problem is un-healthy and needs to slow down. I believe there are several ways to come about this problem as well. Population can be slowed down in many ways; it’s just how we choose to execute this problem. I do not think drastic measurements need to take place in order to slow down our rapid growth in the United States. Regulations and higher†¦show more content†¦The government went into even more drastic measurements for this policy, forcing abortions, sterilizations, and fines on an entire village when a birth that was not supposed to happen occurred. China is a male-or ientated country; therefore, females got the short end of the stick when it came down to the one-child policy. For example, if you were supposed to have a girl they would force you to try harder for a boy because males were more valuable in China. China is still very over populated to this day, and I believe it is carrying on into the United States. This worries me because I would not want to be involved or participate in the one-child policy. That is why I believe that, though right now our population is not a problem, it soon can become one, and it should start to be controlled and organized better then what it is being now. Abortions and sterilization were enforced in China to slow down their population problem. In order for us to slow down our population problem in the United States I do not think abortions are necessary. I think less drastic measures can take place in order to slow down reproduction. For example, in order to go to school, every child must get shots. They are m andatory, or else you cannot go to school; it’s required by the government. I think the government should make it mandatory that all females be on some kind of birth control, such as the shot, patch pill, etc., untilShow MoreRelatedHow to Save an Animal Life Essay1636 Words  | 7 Pagesit is not their time. This is due to overpopulation in animal shelters. Death in animal shelters due to overpopulation is a problem that I believe could easily be resolved if we were to take more responsibility as pet owners. There are simply too many animals being brought into this world, and not enough space or homes for them to live. As pet owners, we need to take responsibility in the way we handle this problem. As sad as it is, the issue of overpopulation is one that is literally deadly. 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The definition of overpopulation is, â€Å"†¦too many people for the amount of food, materials, and space available†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Cambridge Dictionaries). This means that overpopulation will impact crucial aspects of th e planet and not just increase city sizes. Robert Kolb suggested in the Encyclopedia of Business EthicsRead MoreA Great Matter Of Concern Today Or Just A Bust?1667 Words  | 7 Pages â€Æ' A Great Matter of Concern Today or Just a Bust? While India is on the verge of being the most populated country. While the third world countries are deprived of their resources rapidly. People in the United States have to say that the problem of over population has been curbed and infant production rate controlled. Recently, one of the commentators in prominent U.S. publication declared that the population boom is a bust. Whether it is actually a bust nowRead MoreOverpopulation : Preserve The World1291 Words  | 6 Pages Overpopulation: Preserve The World If there was a way to have a better life for you and your loved ones would you take it? Or would you rather not take the opportunity and struggle throughout the rest of your life, this will happen by world overpopulation. In the past, Overpopulation started out from the baby boom which increased the birthrate, and according to Ewan Mcleish the author of â€Å"Overcrowded World, (16)†he stated that it made 40% of the national population. Today, overpopulation is aRead MoreOverpopulation Is A Social Science1492 Words  | 6 PagesCaloia, Angela Mr.Beck Geography 9 February 9 2016 Overpopulation is Overhyped Overpopulation has made headlines through the decades, advertised as one of the most pressing global issues future generations will have to confront, scientists stating that we as humans are undermining the life support system that sustains up. This, however, is untrue. Overpopulation defines a situation where the number of people exhaust the resources such that it can no longerRead MoreHow Overpopulation Affects Education Being in a classroom full of twenty people is a normal800 Words  | 4 PagesHow Overpopulation Affects Education Being in a classroom full of twenty people is a normal persons day, but being in a room full of seventy people is an example of overpopulation affecting education. Overpopulation in education affects the people and children very much. It affects the kids by the way they are being taught and the distractions around them. The overcrowding in classrooms cause many children to feel more negative. They feel more negative because most kids in a crowded roomRead MoreThe Effects Of Human Overpopulation On The Environment1242 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of Human Overpopulation on the Environment â€Å"Can one apple slice feed the world?†If the world were an apple, farmland would only be one very thin slice. 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These specific issues were selected because of the widespread availability of informationRead MoreA Brief Note On Animal Shelter And The American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty Essay965 Words  | 4 PagesThey are many shelters in the United States being over populated with animals. Dogs and cats are left at the shelters for many reason. The question being research is why are animal shelter over populate. What are the causes of animal shelter being over populated? What are the benefit of adopting? What are the effect on animal in over populated shelters? And how can we help animal shelters stop being over populated? ASPCA. (2010). Pet Overpopulation. Teacher Newsletter of the American Society for
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
How do Jane Austen and E.M Forster portray their heroines...
The independence of the heroines in â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†and â€Å"A Room With a View†can be defined by their unconventional views and the fearlessness that they display. In â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†, Austen presents her heroine Elizabeth as having unconventional views on marriage and society. It is clear that in Austen’s choice of Elizabeth she is presenting an alternative role model for the women of Regency society. Similarly, in â€Å"A Room With a View†, E.M Forster’s heroine Lucy demonstrates an independence and fearlessness in her choices which challenges society’s expectations. Elizabeth’s views are of crucial importance to her independence; both in her personal life and views of wider society. Elizabeth’s view of supporting her sister after†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, irony is evident in this statement, in the verb â€Å"dreadful†which suggests that there is an underling problem in Regency England, where women are the oppressed victims of a patriarchal society and matrimony was the only alternative, this is reinforced in Regency law where women did not legally own any money or property unless they were widowed or heiresses, accompanied by the accepted belief that â€Å"Men have a larger share of reason bestowed on them†(Dr Gregory). Moreover, this irony suggests that Austen did not agree with this approach on marriage. In â€Å"A Room With A View†Lucy exhibits confidence in her independent views, when purchasing Botticelli’s â€Å"Birth of Venus†, where Venus is nude, â€Å"Miss Bartlett h ad persuaded her to do without it†, however; Lucy trusts her own unconventional opinion and taste consequently, displaying independence. Elizabeth’s independent views are evident in her actions; a prime example is her rejection of the marriage proposals of Mr Collins and Mr Darcy despite the obvious financial gain and stability that it would provide her family; Elizabeth believes Mr Collins to be â€Å"a conceited, pompous, narrow-minded, silly man†and most importantly that â€Å"[he] could not make [her] happy†. Elizabeth also rejects Darcy, a wealthy aristocrat, on the grounds of his pride and moreover, for potentially
Friday, December 13, 2019
Action of Barbituates Free Essays
Homework Assignment Chapter 4 Addiction Studies (BHHS) Sherman Howard 1. Describe, the action of Barbiturates. They reduce sensory sensitivity to pleasure or pain. We will write a custom essay sample on Action of Barbituates or any similar topic only for you Order Now Replace’s the need for sex, food and emotional involvement. 2. Describe the action of benzodiazepines and their withdrawal symptoms. Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers; they cause dopamine levels to surge producing a pleasurable sensation. Withdrawal involves seizures, convulsions, and even death. 3. What is the biggest danger with drug synergism when using two depressant drugs? Overdose! 4. What is a paradoxical reaction to tranquilizers? Becoming more active instead of calmer. 5. Why is withdrawal so life threatening for alcohol and the barbiturates? Both can lead to Seizures and death. 6. Who is the hidden addict? An unborn Fetus can be, if the mother is an addict. ______________________________________________________________________________ Part Two: 1. What is the approximate percentage of alcohol in beer? Wine? Whiskey? Beer5% – Wine15% – Whiskey45% 2. What does BAC stand for? Blood Alcohol Concentration. 3. Describe the processing of alcohol from digestion to absorption. 0% is absorbed by the stomach the remaining 80% is absorbed in the small intestines. 4. What is alcohol effect on digestion and liver? Alcohol can stop digestion and increase hydrochloric acid production. Alcohol also causes a drop in blood sugar which can lead to a hypoglycemic state. 5. Name some factors that often predict alcoholism? Poor learning ability, poor judgment, short-te rm memory is affected. 6. After frequent high dose use†¦ which is more dangerous: immediate alcohol withdrawal or immediate heroin withdrawal? Alcohol is more immediate. Sherman Howard How to cite Action of Barbituates, Essay examples
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Strategic Management Plans of Coffeeville Free Case Study
Question: Scenario Coffeeville is a small cafe in Melbourne, Victoria, run by siblings Rufus and Emma Belcastran. The business was opened in 2009 with a focus on providing high quality, socially responsible products based on fair trade and locally sourced ingredients. Thanks to their strong ethics, delicious menu and friendly atmosphere, Rufus and Emma have experienced such success that they are now opening a second cafe, with plans to expand even further in the future. As the business grows, they want to ensure that they remain true to their staff and are hoping to achieve Employer of Choice (EOC) status. With a strong focus on their staff during this expansion phase, you have been hired to help Rufus and Emma by developing a new recruitment, selection and induction program. The aim of this program is to attract and select highly qualified and enthusiastic staff, induct them into this family business in a way that helps them to settle in and feel included while also keeping in mind the goal of becoming an EOC. This needs to be done in a way that supports current and future expansion and takes full advantage of the technology options available. Prepare a business report suitable for presentation to the business owners that details the policy and procedure framework you propose for the recruitment, selection and induction programs. Answer: Executive summary Employees actually are the most vital resources for any business, thus it is always very important for any firm to have a proper recruitment as well as selection and even a good induction process. This forever is intended for ensuring that best possible person is recruited to a post where he/she can be most effective and efficient and give proper outcome to the firm. There also are several different aspects to be considered during recruitment as well as selection process, thus this report considers issues which a firm named Coffeeville must consider for recruitment, selection as well as proper induction of new staffs in the firm while the organization id going to undertake an expansion process in coming days and will need many new staffs and also some novel experts to handle several different operations. Coffeeville is facing a situation where it needs to take decision that whether it will be acceptable by the firm if it recruits internally otherwise an external recruitment will be b eneficial for the firm. Actually there are the advantages as well as disadvantages of both the looms. There also are legal considerations which are associated with the recruitment plus selection as well as induction plan. Analysis Of Current Strategic Plus Operational Plans CoffeeVille supplies a very sole as well as compelling experience of caf for all the discriminating plus even socially aware drinkers of coffee at Melbourne. The firm has a proper talent management policy which involves a very strong commitment towards designing as well as execution of an integrated, technological plus strategic approach towards management of human resources (Ahmad and Schroeder, 2002). Recruiting right person at right place plus on right time needs correct strategy. This is also because merely a right person constitutes of strategic possessions of any firm. Proposed Plan Recruitment and Selection- Initial steps in the recruitment must be pragmatic as well as straightforward. Here it is vital for HR department to analyze and know the ways, in which several people that are needed by the firm are to be recruited, and skills plus capabilities which these people must possess. A very easy way towards addressing all this issue is to demeanor an analysis of job skills, cautiously considering content plus requirement of the job functions comprising of an evaluation of the technical skills plus even intangible otherwise softer skills like communication, innovation and even sales capability. Idyllically job skills evaluation must be incorporated within a very strategic assessment and appraisal of HR needs so that Coffeeville can be very confident that they carry necessary skills enclosed within human capital of business towards achievement of long-run objectives of the firm (Bergman, 1981). Process application- Source: (Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), 2015) 1) Writing job description as well as person specification- it will include about a week time2) Grading job- This will be about grading the jobs as per priority and this would be completed in a week3) Financial approval- The firm must take approval from the finance department, this will give detail about how much can be spent behind the process4) Redeployment- this would take two weeks of time5) Meting out the advert will be done here (Chavchanidze, 1969)6) Advertising- This will need about two weeks and the firm will need to enhance this to about four weeks if the job may attract public who don't carry right to work within the local area 7) Short listing- It will merely be completed in two days. This would diverge depending upon number of candidates who apply.8) Inviting candidates: The candidates will be sent invitations where they will be informed about the timing, date and venue of the interview9) Time amid inviting the candidates plus their selection will indulge a week time.10) Selection- It will be done in a single day. The firm here must allow little time if it is seeing many candidates and using the preliminary selection, evaluation centres etc. Future expansion- With astute moves plus good luck, the firm business would grow within coming months plus years. Thus its the real time to initiate plotting skills mix as well as bandwidth which the firm will need to manage the firms next stage. The firm need sto deal with several challenges as it is going to expand in a new market having a novel ecology where it needs to adjust and handle itself in a manner through which attainment of aims and objectives is easily possible. Technology opportunities- Since the firm is expanding into new market and is going to face new ecology and also the firm would face good technological enhancement and need for development and growth. The firm might also try to develop technologically and also must attempt to indulge this technology into the process of recruitment, selection plus induction to make it and easy and on-going process (FACULTY RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION, 2012). a) The firm might use internet for advertising its vacancies and needs to staffs to reach a greater audience which would ensure that the firm hires best personnel who would later be the most beneficial one for the firmb) The firm might use new technologies like power point presentations and movie makers to provide proper induction to staffs so that they understand things easily.c) Video callings and online as well as telephonic interviews can also be held Use of tools- There exist a vast variety of pre -employment evaluation, tests, as well as tools that then firm can use towards helping itself through hiring process. a) Skills Testing this will be particularly beneficial for positions that need a phase of competency within any detailed software programs and computer operations otherwise testable knowledge like customer service answer and many more. b) Psychometric Assessments This will be perfect when it will come to assessing the team fit, hard work, motivation, and also work styles all around the customer service and sales as well as a variety of additional industry explicit skills. c) Drug Testing- the actual screening of candidates for any illegal drugs also will be a tool for selection that the here might use to make sure that they won't carry any problem with matter abuse otherwise workplace safety (Knight, 2011). Position descriptions plus person specifications- It will be expected from the candidates that they would perform all of their duties referred to within the position description otherwise any similar document along with many other duties as well as responsibilities that might be assigned timely plus communicated to the firm. Also they might also be in accordance with the firms policies advised to the firm. Also undertaking actions and responsibilities will be mentioned in the description provided to the new staffs (Pierce, 2007). Letters, Pay and offer- The employment initially be kept on a three months of probation period at the time of which employees will be expected to properly perform all their duties within the position explanation to satisfaction of managers and the owners. Timing of work will be managed towards meeting work demands in the firm and with the change in this demand the timings also might differ. The proper cash of the wages for staffs will also be paid actually fortnightly in the nominated bank account of the staffs. No cash payment will be done. Hiring manager- The hiring manager will have to focus upon recruiting more and more talent and also will have to select the most efficient one. He will be responsible for providing equal opportunity of employment to the entire candidate without being biased and partial (Koboldt, 1996). Staffs will then be selected and even later promoted as per the merit irrespective of caste, race, gender or anything else (Pearse, 1978). Utilization of outsourcing- Since the firm is expanding to an all new location where it needs to analyze the market trend and condition and is now unaware about such details it can about the recruitment process outsourcing for its recruitment and selection process. Here the firm can outsources otherwise transfers all and even a portion of its recruitment actions to any exterior service provider. Legal requirements- When starting the recruiting process, it is important to be aware of certain legal issues in order to minimize risk. Job postings, interview questions, checking references and making job offers all need to be done in a way that meets legal requirements. In some cases, you could be asking unlawful or even discriminatory questions without even knowing it (Lehtonen, 2011). Feedback processes- The feedback about the process and the recruitment, selections as well as induction plan will be collected via distributing questionnaires to the top level managers who will fill in the same and return back and later their answers can be observed and analyzed to bring out the real effectiveness of the firm in the process. Even after selection and same days later the firm can collect the views of staffs about the new employees. How every process will get monitored? a) Coffeeville will be required to abide by the Equality Act 2010 towards monitoring all of the recruitment plus selection activities for assessing the processb) Applications must normally be submitted online plus candidates should complete the equality monitoring explanations as portion of their application.c) If any applicant has got any justifiable cause for not applying then equality monitoring data yet must be attained (Omisore and Okofu, 2014). Covering Letter Ms. Joan Ms. Emma BelcastranExecutive DirectorCoffeeville13 Hill Street Boston, MA 02116 Dear Ms. Joan Emma This is to bring into your concern that I am pleased to present this proposal intended for the making of policy and plans as well as strategies for the recruitment, selection and even induction of novel staffs that will be needed in the Coffeevilles new branch which has been planned to be opened in the new location for ensuring proper expansion of the firm. A lack of efficient staffs can lead firm towards many losses and thus it is utmost needed at current state of expansion. The plan suggests attaining employees through wider source using internet and even using many tools like drug testing and psychometric testing for selection of the novel staff which could later help the firm attain better results. Also the plan is about inducting the staffs through use of new technologies related to the training and teaching of employees. The plan comprises of use of many power point presentations and movies and videos to show the staffs what is the culture of the firm, and also to make them aware about the things needed and even expected from them. Even all the pay scales and process for leave granted as well as collection of feedback after the implementation of process is also explained within the proposal which includes that the collection of feedback will be done through distribution of questionnaire. To perform the policy and plan a proper approval from the finance department will also be needed. All your contributions and also the approval will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Christopher Fisher Communication Strategy 1. A good employee focused interaction will be led from top to bottom2. Managers will be informed about the proposal through meetings and also via a written document3. Consistency will be maintained in the message4. Charismatic but natural as well as planned communications will be extra effective.5. Communication through line manager will be preferred plus more effective6. Staff communications will never be optional extras as they are portion of commerce as usual plus will be needed to get planned as well as budgeted.7. There also must be proper integration amid the internal plus external communications8. The tone for communication will be a vital part (Muir, 1996)9. Feedback will be collected whether staffs have understood the details or not. Feedback Form QUESTION YES NO Will the proposal be successful one as per your view? Will the firm be able to attain good employees through this policy? Do you support the pay scheme of the proposal? Do you like the intention of outsourcing that will be done? Will the type of tools planned to be used, support the policy and will it be efficient? Write suggestion, if any______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ References Ahmad, S. and Schroeder, R. (2002). The importance of recruitment and selection process for sustainability of total quality management. Int J Qual Reliability Mgmt, 19(5), pp.540-550. Bergman, J. (1981). Recruitment/selection retention. Geriatric Nursing, 2(3), pp.199-202. Chavchanidze, V. (1969). Induction of psychointellectual activity in long-term forecasting and planning of research: Psychoheuristic programming. Technological Forecasting, 1(2), pp.129-139. FACULTY RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION. (2012). Higher Education Abstracts, 47(1), pp.23-23. Knight, M. (2011). Communicating Responsibly. Business Communication Quarterly, 74(2), pp.101-102. Koboldt, C. (1996). Consistent planning, backwards induction, and rule-governed behavior. Constitutional Political Economy, 7(1), pp.35-48. Lehtonen, M. (2011). Communicating Competence Through Pechakucha Presentations. Journal of Business Communication, 48(4), pp.464-481. Muir, C. (1996). Workplace Readiness for Communicating Diversity. Journal of Business Communication, 33(4), pp.475-484. Omisore, B. and Okofu, B. (2014). Staff Recruitment and Selection Process in the Nigerian Public Service: What is to be done?. ijhrs, 4(3), p.280. Pearse, R. (1978). The role of selection based on academic criteria in the recruitment process at an Indonesian government university. High Educ, 7(2), pp.157-176. Pierce, E. (2007). The Proposal Project. Business Communication Quarterly, 70(3), pp.320-324. Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). (2015). [image] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2015].
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Ethics in Social Work Practice free essay sample
The term, ethics is defined as a set of moral principles and convictions about what is right versus wrong, and the consequent behavior of an individual, group, profession, or culture. And the term values are an integral part of social work education, the educational background of practitioners may also influence the use of a decision-making process. The NASW has an established Code of Ethics, (1996) for the profession. And the code applies not only to social workers but also to social work students. In addition, social worker must follow the Code regardless of the professional functions they perform, the setting they work in, or the populations they serve. The Code summarizes broad ethical principles that reflect the profession’s core values and establishes a set of specific ethical standards that you should use to guide your social work practice. And the primary mission of the social work profession according to the Code, is â€Å"to enhance the human well-being and help meet basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty†(p. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics in Social Work Practice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1). The six core values of the profession relate to service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, the importance of human relationships, integrity and competence. Therefore, social workers should always use these principles and standards to guide their decision-making in professional situations involving matters of ethics. When making decisions in such matters your primary source should be the Code of Ethics, In addition, you should also consider other sources of information, such as ethical theory, social work theory, relevant laws and regulations, your agency’s policies, other codes that apply, when necessary, any moral-professional judgments that you need to make in order to fully examine the issue at hand. Therefore the Code’s principles and standards should guide in the professional relationship with those you serve, your colleagues, your employers, other individuals and professions, and the community and society as a whole. The Code of Ethics obliges a social worker to ensure due consideration in the best interest of the clients and that their primary duty is to advance the well-being of the clients. Thus, when applying the Code, the social work need to take into consideration the specific nature of the situation, as well as recognize that conflicts are present, among the Code’s specific principles and standards. Therefore, the need to apply an educated judgment. For instances, when deciding an ethical issues, the context will often determine which principles or standards apply as well as how to apply them. As a social worker, one must comply with the regulations, policies, and procedures of the agency, organizations, and voluntary associations you work with . And as a social worker, in the jail system, I have been confronted with the ethical dilemma, but I always apply the policy and procedure of the agency to influence my sense of judgments toward the discharge of my duties. For example, my faith, and, culture is not receptive to homosexual, whereas the policy does not discriminate against any inmate, and as such all should be treated equally, fairly, and, in a consistent manner. In addition, the core value of the social work practice, which centers on helping the vulnerable members of the society influences the cause of my work. Therefore, social worker’s values and ethics are intended to help practitioners recognize the morally correct way to practice, and to decide how to act correctly in specific professional situations. As ethical dilemmas are typically defined in terms of competing values, the internalization of professional values should lead a social worker to identify readily ethical issues when confronted with conflicting values and use those conflicting values as a way to initiate ethical discussion and deliberation.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Summative Essay on Corporate Finance Essay Example
Summative Essay on Corporate Finance Essay Corporate Finance Summative Paper Using Capital Asset Pricing Model and The weighted Average Cost of Capital There are various methods that can be used in estimating the the returns of assets. Most of these asset projection techniques are covered in financial time series analysis. The return of the assets can be estimated with the aid of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), according to which: the return on the asset = risk free rate + beta x (expected return on the market risk free rate) Description of Capital Asset Pricing Model -CAPM CAPM is a primary tool that can be used to tackle assignments that seek to investigate the relationship between risk and expected returns. A calculation of a firms cost of capital in which each category of capital is proportionately weighted. We will write a custom essay sample on Summative Essay on Corporate Finance specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Summative Essay on Corporate Finance specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Summative Essay on Corporate Finance specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Where: Re = cost of equity Rd = cost of debt E = market value of the firms equity D = market value of the firms debt V = E + D E/V = percentage of financing that is equity D/V = percentage of financing that is debt Tc = corporate tax rate Businesses often discount cash flows at WACC to determine the Net Present Value (NPV) of a project, using the formula: NPV = Present Value (PV) of the Cash Flows discounted at WACC.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Radio Frequency Identification Essay Sample free essay sample
In drumhead this study will assist to inform people of RFID. It will demo how it is being used now and may be used in the traveling in front. It begins with a brief debut on what RFID is and so goes on to explicate. its whole thought and utilizations of RDIF. RFID will utilize the know?how from people of involvement who will resile off the advantages and jobs to outplay for different companies. These companies are caught up in the development. promotion. and the market plays a great portion in the hereafter of RFID. Table OF Contents Summary Radio Frequency Identification – Introduction RFID had to get down someplace What is RFIT? RFID and its Current and Planned Uses RFID Chips used on pupils? Retail Stores go Smart with RFID RFID A ; Bar Codes Injections into Humans 1. Medical Records Use 2. Building entree and security 3. Possible Future Applications Potential jobs 4. Potential jobs Conclusion – RFID. We will write a custom essay sample on Radio Frequency Identification Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page as an emerging engineering. for the Consumer in the Future Appendix RFID – IntroductionRFID is coming out as a major emerging engineering for placing and tracking goods and assets around the universe. It can assist infirmaries turn up equipment rapidly to better patient attention. pharmaceuticss to cut down copying. and logistics suppliers to better the direction of movable assets. RFID promises to make new inefficiencies in the supply concatenation. It will track goods from the point of industry through retail POS. RFIT had to get down someplace.The first distressing fact is that RFID is NOT a new engineering. It was foremost used over 60 old ages ago by Britain to place aircraft in World War II and a portion of the polish of radio detection and ranging. It was during the sixtiess that RFID was foremost considered as a adjutant in the commercial universe. The first commercial applications affecting RFID followed during the 70s and 80s. These commercial applications were concerned with placing some plus inside a individual location. What is RFIT?RFID is the reading of physical tickets on individual merchandises. instances. palettes. or re?usable containers that emit wireless signals to be picked up by reader devices. A cardinal constituent to this RFID vision is the EPC Global Network. The complete RFID image combines the engineering of the tickets and readers with entree to planetary standardised databases. guaranting existent clip entree to up?to?date information about relevant merchandises at any point in the supply concatenation. These devices and package must be supported by a higher package be aftering that enables the aggregation and distribution of location?based information in close existent clip. RFID and its Current and Planned UsesBut while the expertness has received over its just portion of media coverage late. plentifulness of are still unfamiliar with RFID and the benefits it can offer. The automotive industry has been utilizing closed?loop RFID systems to track and command plentifulness of the world’s major retail merchants have mandated RFID labeling for palettes and instances shipped in to their distribution centres to supply better visibleness. There are moves in the defence and aerospace industry to mandate the usage of RFID to better supply concatenation visibleness and be certain the genuineness of parts. RFID tickets are being used to track the motion of farm animate beings to help with tracking issues when major animate being diseases work stoppage. Regulative organic structures in the United States are traveling to the usage of lineages based on RFID to forestall the counterfeiting of prescription drugs. Hospitals are utilizing RFID for patient designat ion and movable plus trailing. In the face of this require for clear. comprehensive cognition about RFID and its benefits. this paper defines the chances offered by the expertness for all organisations involved in the production. motion. or sale of goods. RFID Chips used on pupils?Secondary school students are holding their â€Å"every measure traced†under a new monitoring system which sees a micro chip embedded in their school uniform. It means the students can be identified the minute that they step into a schoolroom. Its discoverer. Trevor Darnborough. says the engineering has many advantages including ; offering accurate and rapid enrollment of students. guaranting child security. supplying ocular verification of attending to assist cover instructors and easy informations input for the school’s behavioural and describing system. Presently ten students at Hungerhill School in Edenthorpe are holding their motions monitored by wireless engineering. but its Doncaster shapers hope the system could shortly be attached to every school uniform in the state. if the pilot strategy proves successful. Under the Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) surveillance system the Hungerhill students have a memory micro chip discreetl y embedded onto their school badge which produces a wireless signal. Retail Stores go Smart with RFIDThis engineering allows gross revenues staff to concentrate on selling alternatively of turn uping stock list points. The bing Point?of? Sale ( POS ) can besides be upgraded with a RFID feeling part so as to feel 10s of goods within seconds. well salvaging the clip in check?out. Smart Stock?Taker Senses RFID tickets in propinquity and compares against stock list over?the?air ensuing in less Labor Intensive. Time?Saving and Error?Free stock taking procedure. Given the merchandizes are tagged. staff can utilize hand-held device to make stock list look into over the air. besides salvaging a immense sum of labour and clip. compared with bar?code attack. Smart Retail Store is a suite of merchandises that add the feeling capableness on the merchandize. Installation? friendly feeling device is setup around the shelf. the fitting room so as to feel the physical ticket utilizing radio frequence transparently and automatically. Real?time informations can so be obtained and stored in the backend for analytical intent. Key Features Helps cut down out?of?stock state of affairss and uplift gross revenues gross up to 20 % by guaranting shelves are ever stocked right. Helps find the sale potency of an point in a timely manner. Automatically locate and observe misplaced points in the forepart room and notify shop forces expeditiously. This helps achieve KPI of look intoing out clients in less than 60 seconds. Smart Fitting Room Senses RFID tickets in the fitting room and tracks the motion of the ware which farther provides analysis on points tried versus points sold. Smart Shelf Senses RFID tickets across all the shelves/merchandise thereby cut downing out?of? stock state of affairss and elating gross revenues gross up to 20 % by guaranting shelves are ever stocked right. Over 50 % betterment in client satisfaction is typical. The nucleus engineering is Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) . Applications A ; Benefits Smart Store consists of the below RFID?based engineerings that helps you to heighten Store Performance and Management from tracking of the flow and popularity of ware expeditiously before the purchase to faster check-out procedure and accurate stock list updates.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
An Introduction to the Jack the Ripper Mystery
An Introduction to the Jack the Ripper Mystery Someone in London murdered and mutilated a number of prostitutes during the autumn of 1888; the press went into a frenzy, politicians pointed the finger at each other, hoaxers polluted the investigation, and one of several nicknames stuck: Jack the Ripper. Over a century later, Jacks identity has never been wholly proven (there isnt even a leading suspect), most aspects of the case are still debated, and the Ripper is an infamous cultural bogeyman. The Enduring Mystery The Rippers identity has never been established and people have never stopped looking: the publishing rates average is a new book a year since 1888 (although most of these have come in recent decades). Unfortunately, the wealth of Ripper source material - letters, reports, diaries, and photographs - provides enough depth for detailed and fascinating research, but too few facts for any incontrovertible conclusions. Just about everything about Jack the Ripper is open to debate and the best you can get is a consensus. People are still finding new suspects or new ways to reframe old suspects, and books are still flying off the shelves. There is no better mystery. The Crimes Traditionally, Jack the Ripper is considered to have killed five women, all London prostitutes, during 1888: Mary Ann Polly Nichols on August 31, Annie Chapman on September 8, Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes on September 30 and Mary Jane (Marie Jeanette) Kelly on November 9. In practice, there is no agreed list: the most popular change is to discount Stride and/or Kelly, sometimes adding Martha Tabram, killed August 7th. Authors naming more than eight have achieved very little consensus. At the time Polly Nichols was sometimes considered the second or third person to have been killed by the same person, and plenty of later investigators have searched the world in search of similar killings to see if the Ripper moved on. The Ripper generally killed by strangling his victims, then laying them down and cutting the arteries in their throats; this was followed by a varied process of mutilation, during which parts of the body were removed and kept. Because Jack did this quickly, often in the dark, and because he seemed to have great anatomical knowledge, people have assumed the Ripper had a doctors or surgeons training. As with much of the case, there is no consensus - a contemporary thought him simply a blunderer. There have been accusations that the missing organs werent stolen from the bodies by the Ripper, but by people dealing with them later. Evidence for this is scant. The Letters and Nicknames During the autumn and winter of 1888/89, a number of letters circulated among the police and newspapers, all claiming to be from the Whitechapel murderer; these include the From Hell letter and one accompanied by part of a kidney (which may have matched a kidney taken from one of the victims, but like everything Jack, were not a hundred percent sure). Ripperologists consider most, if not all, of the letters to be hoaxes, but their impact at the time was considerable, if only because one contained the first use of Jack the Ripper, a nickname the papers swiftly adopted and which is now synonymous. Horror, Media, and Culture The Ripper killings were neither obscure nor ignored at the time. There was gossip and fear in the streets, questions at high levels of government, and offers of rewards and resignations when nobody was caught. Political reformers used the Ripper in arguments and policemen struggled with the limited techniques of the time. Indeed, the Ripper case remained high profile enough for many of the police involved to write private accounts years later. However, it was the media who made Jack the Ripper. By 1888, literacy was common amongst the crowded citizens of London and newspapers reacted to the Whitechapel Murderer, whom they initially christened Leather Apron, with the frenzy we expect from modern tabloids, stirring opinions, fact, and theory – along with the probably hoaxed Ripper letters – together to create a legend which seeped into popular culture. From the very start, Jack doubled as a figure from the horror genre, a bogeyman to scare your kids. A century later, Jack the Ripper is still hugely famous world over, an unknown criminal at the center of a global manhunt. But he is more than that, hes the focus of novels, films, musicals, and even a six-inch high model plastic figure. Jack the Ripper was the first serial killer adopted by the modern media age and hes been at the forefront ever since, mirroring the evolution of western culture. Will the Mystery Be Solved? Its extremely unlikely anyone will be able to use the existing evidence to prove, beyond all reasonable doubt, who Jack the Ripper was and, while people are still uncovering material, the discovery of something unarguable has to be regarded as a long-shot. Fortunately, the mystery is so fascinating because you can do your own reading, draw your own conclusions and, with some critical thinking, generally have as much chance of being right as everyone else! Suspects range from people the detectives at the time suspected (such as George Chapman / Klosowski), to a whole gallery of strange suggestions, which include no less than Lewis Carroll, a royal doctor, Inspector Abberline himself, and someone who even blamed their relative decades later after finding some tenuous items.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Causes of the French Revolution (1789-1799) essays
Causes of the French Revolution (1789-1799) essays In the 1700's there was social unfairness in France. Taxes and laws were different in each province causing confusion and injustice. Louis XIV and Louis XV both left big debts when they died, and this made France nearly bankrupt. The clergy and nobles had plenty of money but the king couldn't tax the wealthy. Louis XVI asked the First and Second Estates to accept a land tax, but they refused. In 1789, the country was in need of money and almost completely broke. The French Revolution was the result of the unhappiness of the French majority with their government of that time. One of the main reasons for their unhappiness was the legal division among the social groups that had been ongoing for several centuries. The French were divided into three estates, religious leaders or clergy making up the first estate, nobles in the second, and the peasants and commoners the last estate. An important part of the third estate was the large, wealthy middle class that included traders, government officials, and lawyers. The third estate was bothered by the fact that they were the only providers of their country's tax revenue. Many of them were extremely economically important but unrecognized as they belonged to the third estate, not the first or second. When the king was trying to tax the second and third estates it made those people angry, and that meant that the whole country was feeling the need to rebel, so the French revolution was inevitable. During that period of time, their king, under an absolute monarchy and by divine right, governed France where the right to rule was thought to have come from God. In the 18th century, French writers began questioning this right and raising radical ideas about freedom and human rights. One particular idea that inspired the French revolution was the suggestion that the right to govern the country came from the people. The French government had run up a high debt due to fighting in the Seven Years' Wa...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Conflicts of the Orders Patrician and Plebeian
Conflicts of the Orders Patrician and Plebeian After the expulsion of the kings, Rome was ruled by its aristocrats (roughly, the patricians) who abused their privileges. This led to a struggle between the people (plebeians) and the aristocrats that is called the Conflict of the Orders. The term orders refers to the patrician and plebeian groups of Roman citizens. To help resolve the conflict between the orders, the patrician order gave up most of their privileges, but retained vestigial and religious ones, by the time of the lex Hortensia, in 287- a law was named for a plebeian dictator. This article looks at events leading to the laws referred to as the 12 Tablets, codified in 449 B.C. After Rome Expelled Their Kings After the Romans expelled their last king, Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin the Proud), the monarchy was abolished in Rome. In its place, the Romans developed a new system, with 2 annually-elected magistrates called consuls, who served throughout the period of the republic, with two exceptions: when there was a dictator (or military tribune with consular powers) orwhen there was a decemvirate (about which, more on next page). Different Opinions on the Monarchy - Patrician and Plebeian Perspectives Magistrates, judges, and priests of the new republic mostly came from the patrician order, or upper class*. Unlike the patricians, the lower or plebeian class may have suffered under the early republican structure more than they had under the monarchy, since they now had, in effect, many rulers. Under the monarchy, they had endured just one. A similar situation in ancient Greece sometimes led the lower classes to welcome tyrants. In Athens, the political movement against a hydra-headed governing body led to the codification of laws and then democracy. The Roman path was different. In addition to the many-headed hydra breathing down their necks, the plebeians lost access to what had been regal domain and was now the public land or ager publicus, because the patricians who were in power, took control of it to increase their profits, running it by slaves or clients in the country while they and their families lived in the city. According to a descriptive, old-fashioned, 19th century history book written by the H.D. Liddell of Alice in Wonderland and Greek Lexicon fame, A History of Rome From the Earliest Times to the Establishment of the Empire, the plebeians were mostly not so well off petty yeomen on small farms who had needed the land, now public, to satisfy their families basic needs. During the first few centuries of the Roman republic, the number of chafing plebeians increased. This was partly because the plebeians population numbers increased naturally and partly because neighboring Latin tribes, granted citizenship by treaty with Rome, were enrolled in the Roman tribes. Gaius Terentilius Harsa was a tribune of the plebs that year. Thinking that the absence of the consuls afforded a good opportunity for tribunitian agitation, he spent several days in haranguing the plebeians on the overbearing arrogance of the patricians. In particular he inveighed against the authority of the consuls as excessive and intolerable in a free commonwealth, for whilst in name it was less invidious, in reality it was almost more harsh and oppressive than that of the kings had been, for now, he said, they had two masters instead of one, with uncontrolled, unlimited powers, who, with nothing to curb their licence, directed all the threats and penalties of the laws against the plebeians.Livy 3.9 The plebeians were oppressed by hunger, poverty, and powerlessness. Allotments of land didnt solve the problems of poor farmers whose tiny plots stopped producing when overworked. Some plebeians whose land had been sacked by the Gauls couldnt afford to rebuild, so they were forced to borrow. Interest rates were exorbitant, but since land couldnt be used for security, farmers in need of loans had to enter into contracts (nexa), pledging personal service. Farmers who defaulted (addicti), could be sold into slavery or even killed. Grain shortages led to famine, which repeatedly (among other years: 496, 492, 486, 477, 476, 456 and 453 B.C.) compounded the problems of the poor. Some patricians were making a profit and gaining slaves, even if the people to whom they lent money defaulted. But Rome was more than just the patricians. It was becoming the main power in Italy and would soon become the dominant Mediterranean power. What it needed was a fighting force. Referring back to the similarity with Greece mentioned earlier, Greece had needed its fighters, too, and made concessions to the lower classes in order to get bodies. Since there werent enough patricians in Rome to do all the fighting the young Roman Republic engaged in with its neighbors, the patricians soon realized they needed strong, healthy, young plebeian bodies to defend Rome. *Cornell, in Ch. 10 of The Beginnings of Rome, points out problems with this traditional picture of the makeup of early Republican Rome. Among other problems, some of the early consuls appear not to have been patricians. Their names appear later in history as plebeians. Cornell also questions whether or not patricians as a class existed prior to the republic and suggests that although the germs of the patriciate were there under the kings, the aristocrats consciously formed a group and closed their privileged ranks sometime after 507 B.C. In the first few decades following the expulsion of the last king, the plebeians (roughly, the Roman lower class) had to create ways of dealing with problems caused or exacerbated by the patricians (the ruling, upper class): poverty,occasional famine, andlack of political clout. Their solution to at least the 3rd problem was to set up their own separate, plebeian assemblies, and secede. Since the patricians needed the physical bodies of the plebeians as fighting men, the plebeian secession was a serious problem. The patricians had to yield to some of the plebeian demands. Lex Sacrata and Lex Publilia Lex is the Latin for law; leges is the plural of lex. It is thought that between laws passed in 494, the lex sacrata, and 471, the lex publilia, the patricians granted the plebeians the following concessions. the right to elect their own officers by tribeto recognize officially the plebeians sacrosanct magistrates, the tribunes. Among the soon to be acquired powers of the tribune was the important right to veto. Codified Law After inclusion in the ranks of the ruling class via the office of tribune and the vote, the next step was for the plebeians to demand codified law. Without a written law, individual magistrates could interpret tradition however they wished. This resulted in unfair and seemingly arbitrary decisions. The plebeians insisted that this custom end. If laws were written down, magistrates could no longer be so arbitrary. There is a tradition that in 454 B.C. three commissioners went to Greece* to study its written legal documents. In 451, upon the return of the commission of three to Rome, a group of 10 men was established to write down the laws. These 10, all patricians according to the ancient tradition (although one appears to have had a plebeian name), were the Decemviri [decem10; virimen]. They replaced the years consuls and tribunes and were given additional powers. One of these extra powers was that the Decemviris decisions could not be appealed. The 10 men wrote down laws on 10 tablets. At the end of their term, the first 10 men were replaced by another group of 10 in order to finish the task. This time, half the members may have been plebeian. Cicero, writing some 3 centuries later, refers to the 2 new tablets, created by the second set of Decemviri (Decemvirs), as unjust laws. Not only were their laws unjust, but the Decemvirs who wouldnt step down from office began to abuse their power. Although failure to step down at the end of the year had always been a possibility with the consuls and dictators, it hadnt happened. Appius Claudius One man, in particular, Appius Claudius, who had served on both decemvirates, acted despotically. Appius Claudius was from an originally Sabine family that continued to make its name known throughout Roman history. The blind censor, Appius Claudius, was one of his descendants. In 279 Appius Claudius Caecus (blind) expanded the lists from which soldiers could be drawn so as to include those without property. Before then soldiers had to have a certain level of property in order to enlist.Clodius Pulcher (92-52 B.C.) the flamboyant tribune whose gang caused trouble for Cicero, was another descendant.Appius Claudius was also a member of the gens that produced the Claudians in the Julio-Claudian dynasty of Roman emperors. This early despotic Appius Claudius pursued and brought a fraudulent legal decision against a free woman, Verginia, daughter of a high ranking soldier, Lucius Verginius. As a result of Appius Claudius lustful, self-serving actions, the plebeians seceded again. To restore order, the Decemvirs finally abdicated, as they should have done earlier. The laws the Decemviri created were meant to resolve the same basic problem that had faced Athens when Draco (whose name is the basis for the word draconian because his laws and punishments were so severe) was asked to codify Athenian laws. In Athens, before Draco, interpretation of the unwritten law had been done by the nobility who had been partial and unfair. Written law meant everyone was theoretically held to the same standard. However, even if exactly the same standard were applied to everyone, which is always a wish more than a reality, and even if the laws were written, a single standard doesnt guarantee reasonable laws. In the case of the 12 tablets, one of the laws prohibited marriage between plebeians and patricians. Its worth noting that this discriminating law was on the supplemental two tablets those written while there were plebeians among the Decemvirs, so it is not true that all plebeians opposed it. Military Tribune The 12 tablets were an important move in the direction of what we would call equal rights for the plebeians, but there was still much to do. The law against intermarriage between the classes was repealed in 445. When the plebeians proposed that they should be eligible for the highest office, the consulship, the Senate wouldnt completely oblige, but instead created what we might call a separate, but equal new office known as military tribune with consular power. This office effectively meant plebeians could wield the same power as the patricians. Secession [secessio]: Withdrawal or the threat of withdrawal from the Roman state during times of crisis. Why Greece? We know of Athens as the birthplace of democracy, but there was more to Romans decision to study the Athenian legal system than this, especially since there is no reason to think the Romans were trying to create an Athenian-like democracy.Athens, too, once had an underclass suffering at the hands of the nobles. One of the first steps taken was to commission Draco to write down the laws. After Draco, who recommended capital punishment for crime, continued problems between rich and poor led to the appointment of Solon the law-giver.Solon and the Rise of Democracy In The Beginnings of Rome, its author, T. J. Cornell, gives examples of English translations of what was on the 12 Tables. (The tablet placement of the injunctions follows H. Dirksen.) Whoever shall have been lacking witness, he is to go every other day to clamor (?) at the door (II.3)They are to make a road. Unless they laid it with stones, he is to drive carts where he shall wish (VII.7)If the weapon flew from [his] hand rather than [he] threw it (VIII.24)Table III says that a debtor who cannot repay within a set period can be sold into slavery, but only abroad and across the Tiber (i.e. not in Rome, since Roman citizens could not be sold into slavery in Rome). As Cornell says, the code is hardly what we would think of as a code, but a list of injunctions and prohibitions. There are specific areas of concern: family, marriage, divorce, inheritance, property, assault, debt, debt-bondage (nexum), freeing of slaves, summonses, funeral behavior, and more. This hodge-podge of laws does not seem to clarify the position of plebeians but instead seems to address questions in areas in which there was disagreement. It is the 11th Table, one of the ones written by the plebeian-patrician group of Decemvirs, that lists the injunction against plebeian-patrician marriage. Sources Scullard, H. H. A History of the Roman World, 753 to 146 BC. Routledge, 2008.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Structure and Bonding of 5 different materials (Chemistry) Assignment
Structure and Bonding of 5 different materials (Chemistry) - Assignment Example Silicon dioxide forms a giant covalent structure/lattice, extending in all the 3 dimensions. Each silicon atom is covalently bonded to 4 oxygen atoms. A large number of covalent bonds are present. This renders it high strength and hardness. A huge amount of thermal energy is needed to overcome these forces and cause melting of silicon dioxide, which hence explains the high melting point. Similarly, energy of dissolution when dissolved isn’t high enough to make it soluble in either of the polar or non polar solvents. Since the atoms are rigidly fixed in their positions with no free electrons, silicon dioxide is not a conductor of electricity as such but behaves as a semi conductor. Carbon dioxide is a gaseous compound found in the atmosphere at concentrations of 0.3%. Carbon dioxide has a molecular structure where each carbon atom is covalently bonded to two oxygen atoms as shown in the figure. As the Mr of carbon dioxide is a mere 44, weak intermolecular forces (instantaneous dipole-induce dipole forces) exist between the molecules of the carbon dioxide (BBC Higher Bitesize, 2009). These are easier to overcome and therefore, carbon dioxide has a very low boiling point, such that it is present in the gaseous state at room temperature. Having no free electrons, it is a non-conductor of electricity. It can dissolve in water and other solvents owing to solute solvent interactions. Copper is metallic in nature, which is widely used in electrical wires owing it its high conductivity. It is hard yet malleable and ductile, has a high melting and boiling point and is insoluble in any kind of solvent. Metallic bond is formed the metal atom looses an electron to become a positively charged ion (Jim, 2010). The electrons (delocalised) form a sea of electrons which hold the positive metal ions together in a giant structure. These strong forces of attraction developed between the delocalised electrons and the metallic ions give copper it’s high melting and boil ing point. Moreover, it is the very same electrons that are free to move inside the metallic structure giving copper its good electrical properties (Green planet, 2011). Same electrons also act as thermal carriers making copper a good thermal conductor as well. The layers of atoms have the ability to move/slide over each other when a force is applied. This gives copper good malleability and ductility characteristics. However, this movement of layers is hindered by the grain boundaries which impart good hardness to copper as well. In water, each hydrogen atom is bonded to two oxygen atoms. Owing to the large difference in the electro negativity of the two, a partial positive charge appears on hydrogen while a partial negative charge is appears on oxygen. Furthermore, there exists a lone pair of electrons on the oxygen atom. When two water molecules come closer, a hydrogen bond is developed between the lone pair of electrons and the partially positively charged hydrogen atom (MDL, 200 8). This is a strong bond which raises the boiling point of hydrogen to 100oC. The absence of free electrons makes pure water a non-conductor of electricity and a bad thermal conductor. Being polar in nature, water is insoluble in organic solvents. Caesium Chloride forms a giant ionic lattice structure. Each caesium atom is bonded to eight chloride atoms through ionic bonds. Ionic bond exists because of large difference of electro negativities of the two atoms (Jim, 2010). The large number of strong ionic bonds
Law of Evidence Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Law of Evidence - Case Study Example The facts in issues are those facts which are used to determine the guilt of the defendant. In the case of Pollitt v, R Brennan J held that†The first condition of admissibility of evidence is relevance. In that apart from questions relating to the credibility of a witness, a fact which evidence is tendered to prove must be a fact in issue or a fact that is relevant to a fact in issue. Where a fact to be proved is a fact in issue, admissibility of evidence tendered to prove it depends solely on the manner in which that evidence tends to establish the fact to be proved. Where a fact to be proved is a fact relevant to a fact in issue, admissibility depends first on the manner in which that evidence tends to establish the fact to be proved, and, secondly, on the relevance of the fact to be proved to a fact in issue .†In the case of PC Story providing the phone call as evidence was intended to prove that the defendant was guilty of the offense of controlling another person w ith the intention of getting financial gain. The mere fact that the evidence was correct without any authority or warrant made the evidence irrelevant and could not be used to establish the facts in issue in the case. The laptop, the stash of condoms and the $5,000 would be admissible in court as they obtained while the police officers obtained a warrant of to search the premises. However, even though such evidence is admissible in court, the court must still determine the weight in which the evidence should be given in relation the amount of significance.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
To what extent have the Millennium Development Goals been a success Essay
To what extent have the Millennium Development Goals been a success - Essay Example Goal 1: Extreme poverty and hunger should be eradicated. The goal will be achieved by reducing the number of people earning less than $1 per day to one half by 2015. It also emphasizes on reduction of the number of people suffering from poverty to one half by the same date. Goal 2: Every child on earth, male or female, should be able to primary education by 2015. Goal 3: To eradicate gender disparity, it will be ensured that men and women have equal access to education facilities at all levels. Goal 4: Mortality rate of children under five should be reduced by two third of the present value. Goal 5: Proper medical care should be provided to women to ensure three quarters reduction in maternal mortality rate by 2015. Reproductive health care should be made universally available. Goal 6: Spread of Malaria and HIV/AIDS should be reversed by 2015. Goal 7: Programs should be initiated for sustainable development without the adverse effects on environment. Safe drinking water should be mad e available to more people with the water deficient population reduced to one half by 2015. Goal 8: A partnership should be developed between rich and poor countries to achieve the MDGs. It defines the mechanism of how the poorer countries will be able to achieve these goals with the financial and technical support of developed countries. The content of these goals is derived from the United Nations Development Conferences held after the inception of United Nations Development Program in 1965. Millennium Development Goals – Successes and Short Comings: The overall progress towards the MDGs is very different in different countries and regions around the globe. Most of the developing countries have limited their focus towards the first goal with a very limited or no focus towards environmental and health aspirations of MDGs. It is observed by different analysts that so far the targets set by MDGs are not met on an international scale. However, success of individual countries or regions can be observed which shall be discussed in the following lines with reference to each of the eight goals. 1. The first goal has been the primary focus of most of the governments in developing countries for reasons both political and financial. China and Vietnam for example have reduced their population earning less than $1 per day from more than 35% to less than 14% of the total population. Considerable progress on the goal has been made in South Asian countries particularly India where ration of population living below poverty line has been reduced from 37.5% to 26.1%. Very little progress was however observed in the countries of Latin America and Middle East. For most of the European countries goal 1 was not a challenge as the average income of their population was well above $1 per day. 2. As in the case of first goal discussed above, the progress towards the ‘education for all’ target of UN was different for different countries. UN task forces note that un der developed countries such as Bolivia and Cameron have allocated greater proportions of annual budget to the development in health and education sector. For the most European and Central Asian countries, it is anticipated that they will be able to achieve the targets set in goal 2 by 2015. However, serious setbacks have been faced in many of the African countries such as Mozambique and Tanzania where primary school enrollment has decreased over the past few years. 3. Since the announcement of Millennium Declaration, women
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Roar of the Tiger Mom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Roar of the Tiger Mom - Essay Example These activities included watching the television, getting below â€Å"A†grades, playing computer and video games, and to attend sleepovers at friends’ places. The article also stipulates Chua using unsound methods of ensuring that her children were properly motivated in order to ensure their excellence. For example, she indicates that she often refers to one child as garbage with aim of trying to make the child work harder. She also rejects a birthday card that has been crafted amateurish referring it as unworthy. Finally, with aim of motivating her children, she condemns her child who is only seven years old for her inability to play a piano piece, which is complex despite her practicing it several times. A story that appeared on the time magazine indicated that Meredith Viera who is usually joyful when hosting her program was unable to hide her content towards Chua as she read some of the comments posted by viewers when she had hosted Chua in her show. Comments ranged from regarding Chua as a monster to questioning whether she really loves her children. Despite this, ideas proposed by Chua were received well by some readers. This was especially with regard to a study that had ranked United States of America students as 17th when it came to reading, 23rd in sciences and 31st in mathematics in the entire world. Such readers associated with Chuo’s piece since they felt that the United States of America should not accept academic failure if they expect to compete with other superpower countries such as China which had topped the Students rankings. Thus the question of whether protecting the children’s self-esteem is more important than ensuring the academic excellence of American children which will later result in their economic success is raised. In short, which consequences are worse to bear with?Â
Monday, November 18, 2019
Reading Response to Quotes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reading Response to Quotes - Assignment Example Abstract imagery is often described as trickery because images like that are not intended to show the world the way it is, but rather give us a perspective from which an artist looks at it. 2. This quote touches upon perspective as the way to both actualize an artist in the imagery he or she creates and accentuate something he or she wants viewers to contemplate again. Many photographs like Nicholas Prior in his Conspiracy of Silence project, where he uses a dirty window between a camera and an object of photography, tend to play with codes of photographic truth to make viewers think metaphorically when they see visual images. All in all, a visual image has always been a powerful tool of communication between those who create an image and those who look at it. 3. It is quite an interesting quote to think about. Visual images, whether it is photography, painting or movie, help us grasp changes that either the world we live in or the inner world of a certain artist go through. In my opinion, when it comes to such an important visual system as perspective it may symbolize the anatomy of impressions and reflections an artist has at certain point, which often directly correlates to perspectives with which he or she chooses to look at the world, objects and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Media’s Influence Essay Example for Free
Media’s Influence Essay From Congress to Clowns: Media’s Influence on Bow Tie Transformation The bow tie could easily be dubbed the ‘black sheep’ of the Cravat family. Its origins are none glamorous and it is rarely embraced, typically turned against and most often forgotten. It is noticed in only its fleeting moments of sheik or dreadfully offensive shock. Its history originating in utility and birthed from a distinguished sect was turned against with the advent of visual media. The bow tie was first seen in the 17th Century when Croatian mercenaries went to support King Louis in France (Pohl). To keep their shirts closed and to protect themselves from the elements they tied a loosely fit tie around their necks (Pohl). There is debate over whether the intention was strictly utilitarian; as long, lace neckwear was already a fashion in France there was likely some influence. King Louis quickly adopted the tie for fashion. He named it â€Å"La Cravat†and made it the required attire for upper class formal gatherings (Pohl). It continued its European trend and was brought along with colonization to America. The earliest bow ties were white and were worn for fashion and social class distinction. It remained in use during the 18th and 19th century, but was mainly isolated to politicians, lawyers and scholars as very formal and professional attire. Abraham Lincoln and many of our early presidents were often photographed wearing the bow tie reinforcing its representation of being a distinguished accessory. The first major shift in accepted bow tie use coincided with the changes in political ideology. A young America, wanting to distance itself from European classism removed the bow tie from accepted fashion practice. Outside of the very formal ‘black tie affair’ it was rarely seen. The general opinion of the bow tie changed as well, as it began to carry with it an air of pretense or snobbery. Warren St. John, a writer for the New York Times, describes this shift in thinking, To its devotees the bow tie suggests iconoclasm of an Old World sort, a fusty adherence to a contrarian point of view. The bow tie hints at intellectualism, real or feigned, and sometimes suggests technical acumen, perhaps because it is so hard to tie. Bow ties are worn by magicians, country doctors, lawyers and professors and by people hoping to look like the above. But perhaps most of all, wearing a bow tie is a way of broadcasting an aggressive lack of concern for what other people think (St. John). This idea changed in an important way in the 20th century. After decades of a clear break from European influence the bow tie made a come back, but in an interesting way. It was still fashionably outcast outside of formalwear, but it became an icon for individualism. â€Å"A list of bow tie devotees reads like a Whos Who of rugged individualists†(St. John). Interestingly this new trend coincides with the advent and surge in visual media, via film, news real, magazine and eventually television. â€Å"Mens clothier Jack Freedman told the New York Times that wearing a bow tie ‘is a statement maker’ that identifies a person as an individual because ‘its not generally in fashion’†(St. John). The bow tie would never be ‘generally in fashion’ even with visual access, but media helped to mold new thinking about it as a symbol and defined opinions of those who wore it. Its casual use was adopted by outspoken and prominent politicians, comedians, broadcasters, and many animated figures. The influence from Hollywood and T. V. media would create an impression that would stick. In T. V. and film comedians and animated characters personas who wore bow ties were portrayed as goofy, awkward, quirky or nerdy creating a stereotype that modern bow tie wearers can’t quite shake. Characters such as Jerry Lewis’ Nutty Professor and Paul Reubens’ Pee Wee Herman have helped perpetuate it. It is possible that Hollywood as an institution and ‘protector of class’ may have created these characterizations in rebellion to the adoption of the bow tie by mainstream individuals. Simmel writes, â€Å"the elite initiates a fashion and when the mass imitates it in an effort to eliminate the distinction of class, [the elite] abandon it for a different mode†. Acting on the elites behalf, visual media created and exposed these clownish views to turn the style ‘off’, to make it un-fashionable, so it could resume class distinction (541). Like the black sheep that it is, despite its sense of folly the bow tie also leaves the impression of being quite trustworthy. Many highly respected leaders, lawyers, politicians and broadcasters have donned them and some have even been branded by this signature piece. Winston Churchill was known for his signature blue and white polka-dot tie. Charles Osgood for his trademark tie worn during broadcasts. That sense of trust could stem from the idea that these men are brave enough to ‘go against fashion’ or because ‘they don’t care what people think’ we trust them to be more candid and honest. Advertisers picked up on this trend and companies such as Chevrolet and Budweiser have included the bow tie in their corporate logos. They also reinforced this association of trustworthiness and honesty with their campaign slogans. In 1996 Chevrolet wanted its â€Å"blue bow tie to be among America’s top icons again†, so it created a series of â€Å"15 second spots featuring just the bow tie in unexpected places with the printed tag ‘Genuine Chevrolet’ and the narration ‘the cars Americans trust’†(Halliday). Budweiser also made this association with their ad campaign featuring just their red bow tie logo and the words ‘Budweiser, True’. Though the bow tie has made a dramatic shift in the 20th century from a symbol of class distinction and distinguished conformity to a symbol of individualism and supposed trust, the bow tie has not waivered as the staple accessory of formal attire. There have been some recent adaptations, again brought on by Hollywood celebrities such as the black button cover or black bolo tie, but when alternates are chosen they are typically mocked by mainstream media. Black tie affair still means black bow tie by all accounts. The sophistication and style has been reinforced by celebrities in photos or films of formal dances, dinners and parties. Representing all the glamour of classic Hollywood and associated with the debonair Humphrey Bogart and Frank Sinatra. It has such a long standing tradition and symbol of what it means to be a sophisticated and classy gentleman that even Playboy picked it up and incorporated it into their bunny logo . In fact, Playboy’s use of the bow tie has in many ways taken the symbol full circle – the fantasy and money associated with having women and the ‘finer things’ in life really brings us right back to the ideas of class distinction and giving men something to aspire too. The bow tie has such an interesting history because essentially we aren’t sure what to think of it. Outside of its use as formal wear it doesn’t have a category or clear intention. Standing so far left of fashion it is one of those rare instances where those who chose to wear it really do demonstrate individuality and not out of a need for protest or desperation to be noticed. Finkelstein wrote, The basic irony of fashion is that it cannot succeed in marking the individual as truly different. While fashions may be touted as a means to be distinguished, the pursuit of fashion is more effectively a means of being socially homogenized. The historic success of being fashionable has been to provide a sense of individualism within a shared code, since individuals can look acceptably distinctive only within a restricted aesthetic. When they purchase fashionable goods that will distinguish them, they do so only from a range of goods already understood to be valuable. Having this understanding of fashion it seems to follow that one purchasing or wearing something un-fashionable truly is expressing their individuality. In the case of the bow tie it seems its wearers have less in common and that commonality derived by the observer has more to do with visual media’s attempt to categorize the wearer as something. Interestingly though, those known for donning the bow tie come from such a broad society base that stereotypes of general folly created by media characters do not really apply. However it may be that is exactly the point. When you can’t be categorized you will certainly stand out and in that case the bow tie, outside of the formal, acts merely as a signature piece with no real intention other than being noticed. â€Å"To be fashionable involves having specific knowledge about the value of goods. It is not sufficient to desire goods because of their utility†(Finkelstein). Clearly using the bow tie for the sake of the utility of being noticed makes the item quite un-fashionable, but maybe it is the individual outside of the fashion world who truly understands the value of goods. The bow tie is the ‘black sheep’ of the Cravat family, the outsider of the fashion world and that is its value. Visual media has changed its initial perceptions of being an item of social class distinction to that of a clown and yet despite its created perceptions those who choose to wear the bow tie outside of film and T. V. are highly regarded and trusted. Advertisers have picked up on this strange dichotomy and have even reinforced its credibility, but not to the approval of the fashion world. It is curious to think that the bow tie will ever become fashionable outside of its formal roots mainly because it has become something far more valuable than fashion. Works Cited Finkelstein, Joanne. â€Å"Chic Theory†. Australian Humanities Review. 07 March 2009. http://www. australianhumanitiesreview. org/archive/Issue-March-1997/. Pohl, H. â€Å"The History of the Bow Tie†. 05 November 2008. lula general articles. 07 March 2009. http://www. iula. org/the-history-of-the-bow-tie-16695/. Halliday, Jean. â€Å"Chevrolet ads seek to bolster image of bow tie†. 08 April 1996. Automotive News. Crain Communications. 07 March 2009. http://www. highbeam. com/doc/1G1-18451431. html. Simmel, Georg. â€Å"Fashion†. May 1957. The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 62, No. 6, 541-558. 07 March 2009. http://www. jstor. org/stable/2773129. St John, Warren. A Red Flag That Comes in Many Colors. 26 June 2005. The New York Times. 07 March 2009. http://www. nytimes. com/2005/06/26/fashion/sundaystyles/26BOWTIE. html.
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