Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Mean Streets Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mean Streets - Movie Review Example Charlie is involved with the local New York Mafia and is tries to move up the command chain. His efforts are frustrated as he takes responsibility of his friend Johnny Boy, who is a reckless and minor gambler, a habit that gets Johnny into a huge amount of debt from many local loan sharks. Charlie who collects debts from individuals who owe his uncle money is an inwardly conflicted man. He does not know whether to follow his Mafia ambitions or to devout himself to the church. After failing to receive liberation in church, Charlie excessively becomes reproachful and disrespectful, but gets it by forfeiting himself on Johnny’s behalf. The movie ends when a debtor, Michael demands his money from Johnny who insults him and draws out a gun. Michael leaves but pursues Charlie, Johnny and Charlie’s girlfriend Teresa (an epileptic woman), who have decided to escape town for a little while. Michaels gunmen fires shots that land on Johnny’s neck and Charlie’s hand. An ambulance and the police come to the scene and take them away as the movie ends (Iamb, 2012). Critique There are a number of pros in the film, firstly are the characters. Mean Streets characters are excellently cast as their roles are well executed and nicely edited. The acting is incredibly original, and the director has directed his actors to near- sound acts. Moreover, the characters have given the film a thoroughly, beautiful, spellbinding and memorable feel. The characters demonstrate the Italian- American experience in a groundbreaking way, as they are passionate and mature. The characters in Mean Streets film have portrayed extreme talent in demonstrating male amity in Little Italy in New York. With Charlie’s character the producer, Martin Scorsese picks two conflicting issues common with young men in New York, religion, and gangster life. The second pro in the film is the cast themselves who are skilled, thus make the film believable. Martin has appropriately cast the actors in Mean Streets. Since the film is based on real life experiences, the producer, Martin Scorsese, puts the pieces quickly. These pieces are well executed by the actors who have in the past, coincidentally, lived in little Italy and have had the same experiences. De Niro grew up in ‘Bleecker Street, the northern frontier of Little Italy’. The third pro in the film is in the use of camera. Martin Scorsese employs the use of camera, lightning, and space in a much-refined way, thereby showing the viewer only what he feels the viewer should see. In the opening scenes of the film, the key characters have scenes of their own, which introduces the viewer to the main characters (IMDb, 2012). Furthermore, the filtered camera angles usage continues with the director having scenes shot from above and sometimes from below. A hand held camera is used for dynamic scenes compared to the movable long shot cameras. The lighting creates balance and the intelligent editing ensur es the full capacity of the impact to the viewer. The fourth pro in Mean Street is the director’s, Martin Scorsese utility of color. The color used gives the picture an intense tone, which is incredibly striking. The light in the bars are red and outside have an over-exposed and monochrome color (IMDb, 2012). The director chooses to use popular music as the soundtrack in Mean Streets. In addition, the music is functional as it sets the mood for the film. The theme of the film
Business Environment Analysis of British Airways Essay - 2
Business Environment Analysis of British Airways - Essay Example British airways vision is to encourage achieving values that are very important for the organization (Katie, 2013). The organization values to achieve acceptable standards to govern individual behavior in the organization. The organizations are running their businesses all over the world. The main purpose of these organizations is to fulfill the basic needs of the human and to give good impact on the world. The businesses usually established in order to prevent or improve the human life. Many organizations in the world understand the management of organization and explicit verity of decisions making to provide direction to the organization (Bryson, 2011). The organizational purpose is to take verify of the decisions for the insiders and communicate with the outsiders. In the private sector, the organization is not part of the government. Whereas, the public sector organization, is owned and operated by the government. British Airways is originally a privately owned aviation organization that was nationalized in 1939. British airways merge the financial losses and industrial operations privately (Heinz & Pitfield, 2011). In an organization, the stakeholder relationship model make connections between the organization and its stakeholders. It is essential for the organization to establish a good understanding with the stakeholder in order to raise the profit and organizational profile. There are many stakeholders of British airways, including customers, employees, competitors, suppliers, media, environmental issues, local communities, financial institutions, shareholders, government etc (Balmer, Illia, & Brena, 2013). Below few stakeholders are discussed. The customers are the major source of earning profits for the organization, and these customers have high impact on the management of the organization. The British airways always try to attract the existing customers and move forward to attract the young or new audience. The British airways have the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Integrative Therapy Essay Example for Free
Integrative Therapy Essay I started my first class of counselling today. I was very nervous and excited at the same time. I was nervous because I had not been in formal education for the past ten years and excited because I was going to do something for myself after 3 years of sitting at home and focus on something other than domestic issues. I arrived to my first class late and that made me more apprehensive. Looking around I noticed that there were people from different age and background. I started the class by telling others about myself and listened to them. I felt like I was in a group therapy, in a way it actually was because we were using our listening skills, which I believe is essential part of counselling. As it happened at the end of the task I was less nervous than I was at the beginning. Our next task was to find a partner and talk about ourselves to each other. We talked about our lives and it was up to us how much to tell our partner and to share it with the rest of the group. Again here, our listening skills were tested. This task also acted as ice breaker where the atmosphere of the class become more relaxed as we listened to each individual’s life and their achievements as well as their aspirations. I realised that most of the people who attended the course were there because of their life experiences propelled them to this course and that they felt they have something to give back as counsellor, or that they may learn some counselling skills to help them with their own lives. As for myself, since studying counselling as part of my degree course 10 years ago, I have wanted to become a counsellor. I always was motivated to help others. My only inability is and has been my lack of confidence. This is not because I don’t have the ability to listen and help others, but just that I am not a confident speaker and my communication skills needs to be enhanced and by doing this course I am hoping to overcome both and be prepared for further qualifications in counselling. During the class in groups we also discussed, what we want from rest of the group and what is required of me. There were some points, such as, Respect, Confidentially, Honesty, Being non- judgmental, etc, that we all agreed on. We ended the class by â€Å"checking out†, where we said how we felt and what we learned, like me, the rest of group was also more relaxed and were looking forward to the rest of the course. I see this course as learning route, where by the end of it I have learned some counselling skills, hopefully I will also overcome my own issues, which might have an impact on my role as a helper.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A Ratio Analysis Of WH Smith
A Ratio Analysis Of WH Smith As a public limited company majority of the funds available for WH Smith to operate at any point in time is provided by owners in form of share capital and several forms for capital reserves and retained earnings. But for the purpose of this analysis, share capital will be referred to as funds provided by owners, which was  £35million for both 2008 and 2009. However it is important to note that the total equity increased from  £161m in 2008 to  £188m in 2009. The main reason for this was in increase in the retained earnings from  £329m in 2008 to  £365m in 2009. FUNDS PROVIDED BY CREDITORS Non -current liabilities (including trade and other payables, tax obligations, bank overdrafts and borrowings and short-term provisions) added up to  £303m in 2008 and  £281m in 2009, while non-current or long-term liabilities amounted to  £24m in 2008 and  £25m in 2009. Thus, total liabilities and accrued payments reduced from  £327m in 2008 to  £306m in 2009. This is largely due the fact that  £25m bank overdrafts were drawn in 2008 while no overdrafts were drawn in 2009. This means WH Smith is relying mainly on retained earnings and share capital as the major source of cash for the business year. PROFITABLITY Profitability measures the profit margin of the business (WH smith) in a financial year. In this analysis however, the profitability of WH Smith will be calculated and compared for the 2008 and 2009 financial years by relating pre-tax profit as a percentage of sales; and also pre-tax profit as a percentage of fixed asset. This can be represented using the formula below: CONCLUSION WH Smith has improved its profit margin by a small percentage of 0.5% in 2009 from 5.62% to 6.12% as a result of more sales in higher margin categories such as confectionery and books. This means that out of  £100 sales the company made  £5.62p in 2008 and  £6.12p in 2009. Fixed assets generated 4.57% more profit in 2009 than in 2008, which signifies a more efficient use of capital and fixed assets. Thus we can conclude that the company is being managed well despite stiff competition from other large companies such as Borders and the prevailing economic circumstances. GROWTH Turnover Increase total sales reduced from  £1352m in 2008 to  £1340 in 2009 Profit after tax increased from  £59m in 2008 to  £64m in 2009 Total fixed assets reduced from  £247m in 2008 to  £232m in 2009 CONCLUSION From the above point we can conclude that total sales and total fixed assets have reduced considerably between 2008 and 2009, whereas, profit after tax has increased. This signifies that WH Smith is not focused on growth at the present (due to the prevailing economic conditions), rather they are focused on consolidation and profit maximization (which in essential in the survival of any business especially in the short run). This was done by getting rid of unused or unnecessary fixed assets e.g. properties, plants and equipment was reduced from  £177m in 2008 to  £163m in 2009 and utilizing the available resources efficiently. TRADING PERFORMANCE The performance analysis of any company does not carry adequate validity without making reference to the performance of other companies in the same sector, because a comparison of its performance must be measured against that of its competitors. Trading performance is calculated by using the gross profit as a percentage of share holders funds: Earnings per share for 2008 and 2009 were 35.3p and 41.3p respectively. Please refer to page 9 of the financial statement for details. CONCLUSION In an industry where demand and sales are greatly influenced by consumer income and demographics, the performance of WH Smith will depend largely on the marketing strategy and their ability to offer specialized products at lower prices. In 2008 WH smith had a return on share holders fund for 2008 was 47.20% while it was -1.93 for ltd for the same year. At the end of the financial year, earnings per share went up 17% from 35.3p to 41.3p LIQUIDITY Current ratio also known as the working capital ratio measures the amount of cash available to a business in form of stock and creditors and is referred to as the working capital. WH Smith has been able to increase its level of liquidity from 0.8 in 2008 to 0.93 in 2009. This increase could be attributed to an increase in the bank balance from  £22m in 2008 to 47m in 2009 however, not a large proportion of resources were tied up in stock during the same period as inventories only increased by  £4m from  £147m in 2008 to  £151m in 2009. However, WH Smith was able to increase its ability to meet short-term obligations and settlement of a major proportion of their current liabilities. It is important to note however that the ratio of current assets to current liabilities is still less than 1, this means that WH Smith still needs to improve on these figures further by reducing the total current liabilities or increasing their total current assets. Although it is widely believed that a reasonable current ratio should fall between 1.5:1 and 2:1, given the prevailing economic conditions in this period, we can safely conclude that WH Smith is doing exceptionally well. Also, the liquid ratio reveals that a large amount of resources are tied up in liquid form, which could affect the companys performance in the long run if the sales is not improved upon. SAFETY Gearing Gearing measures the relationship between a companys capital employed and its long time liabilities. It gives us an idea of any companys ability to pay back its long term liabilities. However, the acceptable gearing ratio for most companies is 50%, but the lesser the better. It is calculated as follows: WH Smith has been able to reduce the gearing of the business 1.81% from 14.90% to 13.29% and the gearing ratio for both 2008 and 2009 is almost at zero, this means that WH Smiths propensity to generate profit and returns on capital employed is high. Therefore, shareholders can expect some dividend at the end of the business year. Also, the business will not have to struggle to service long term liabilities (e.g. loans with interest) especially in bad years. EFFICIENCY This is also known as return on capital employed and is used to measure how effective a business has used its available resources to generate profit within a certain period. It is usually represented by the formula below: It can be deduced from the above figures that WH Smith has been able to use their fixed assets more efficiently in 2009 than in 2008 by 3.3%, despite the reduction in the total amount from  £247m to  £232m. Although the efficiency of the total assets has hardly improved in the same period, with the difference being 0.7%, the most noticeable increase in efficiency is that of fixed assets which has increased by 3.3%. CONCLUSION In the year ending 31 August 2009, WH Smith recorded a total (including non-book sales) turnover of  £1,340m which was lower than  £1,352m recorded in the previous year. Pre-tax profit increased from  £76m in 2008 to  £82m in 2009. And also, earnings per share increased from 35.3p in 2008 to 41.3p in 2009 Total sales reduced to  £1,340m from  £1,352m in 2008 (where like for like sales dropped 5%, travel sales grew by 8% and high street sales also dropped by 5%). Whereas, WH Smith has improved its profit margin by 0.5% in 2009 from 5.62% to 6.12%. This improvement in gross profit margin was enhanced by tight cost control and a reduction of the total fixed assets. WH Smith has also been able to increase its level of liquidity from 0.8 in 2008 to 0.93 in 2009. This increase could be attributed to an increase in the bank balance from  £22m in 2008 to 47m in 2009. Although a substantial amount is still tied up in stock, which could be a problem in the future. Therefore, WH Smith needs to come up with sale strategies that will quickly clear up the stock. In 2009 however, WH Smith was able to increase its ability to meet short-term obligations and settlement of a major proportion of their current liabilities. Although, WH Smith still needs to improve on these figures further by reducing the total current liabilities or increasing their total current assets. WH Smiths propensity to generate profit and returns on capital employed is very high with gearing being reduced by 1.81% from 14.90% to 13.29%, and also, the gearing ratio for both 2008 and 2009 is almost at zero, this means that shareholders can expect some dividend at the end of the business year even in bad years (Dividend per share increased to 16.7p in 2009). Also, the business will not have to struggle to service long term liabilities (e.g. loans with interest) especially in bad years. Finally it is worthy of note that WH Smith has been able to employ their fixed assets more efficiently in 2009 than in 2008 by 3.3%, despite the reduction in the total amount from  £247m to  £232m. RECOMMENDATIONS WH Smith is doing very well given their financial performance in the past year despite the prevailing economic circumstances. It is important to note that a large proportion of WH Smiths profit in the 2009 financial year was generated from the travel business (which includes outlets in train stations, airports, highway service stations etc.) where total sales increased by 8% driven mainly by new business wins and acquisitions. Therefore, WH Smith should focus on setting up more travel shops in areas not yet covered. Competition to sell the highest number of bestsellers is tough, as high-street bookshops are being undercut on price by supermarkets and online booksellers. Publishers appear to be offering supermarkets and online booksellers the highest discounts on their highest-profile books, allowing lower prices to be offered in these outlets. -Isla Gower ed. 2008, marketing report, pg1 Another important area that WH Smith should focus on is the online book sales, which makes companies like ltd a major competitor. Although WH Smith already sells books online, there should be more marketing and promotion in this area, which would eventually lead to a market expansion if harnessed properly. Also, the digitization of books through the use of e-books has made remote downloads and print-on-demand possible, and this has remarkably reduced the cost of production and can easily put booksellers such as WH Smith out of business.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Power of the Mother and Daughter Relationship Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club E
Power of the Mother and Daughter Relationship Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club In the novel, The Joy Luck Club, the author, Amy Tan, intricately weaves together the roles and experiences of Chinese mothers with their American born daughters. During a time of war, the mothers flee from China to America, leaving behind a past filled with secrets that unravel as their daughters mature. While sharing their difficulties, these mothers must be able to teach Chinese beliefs and customs to their daughters in a way that relates to American society. However, this is difficult because the daughters seek to identify themselves with their own American culture. A lack of understanding and knowledge amongst these societies exists between the mothers and daughters, making it difficult for the two generations to connect with each other. Nonetheless, these mothers have "a legacy that they wish to bestow on their daughters," ( The Joy Luck Club ). A cultural clash and a generation gap are the roots to the problems the mothers and daughters must overcome in order for their relatio nship to be stronger. One such example is the relationship between Lindo and Waverly Jong. While in China, Lindo’s life takes a complete turn around as she escapes a prearranged Chinese marriage. In "The Red Candle," Lindo obeys the typical female role of being obedient at the beginning of her marriage to Tyan-yu, but later goes against these expectations and flees to America. She listens to her mother-in-law by doing household chores and by being a submissive individual. Asian society says their women "value marriage. They do not believe in divorce. They marry for life†¦in good times and bad," ( China Bride ). However, Lindo manages to outwit her new family and escape the m... ...standing their mothers’ viewpoint on an issue. Despite a lack of cultural knowledge, the mothers have good intentions for their daughters. Even though the daughters do not want to admit it, they have inherited more from their mothers than they thought because "each daughter†¦becomes a stronger person through her mother’s past," ( "Analysis of Literary Merit" ).   WORKS CITED Analysis of Literary Merit. 27 Mar. 2004. China Bride. 30 Mar. 2004. Roles of Women. 27 Mar. 2004. Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. New York: Ivy Books. 1989. The Joy Luck Club. 30 Mar. 2004. Â
Friday, October 25, 2019
Collection of Poems by Various Authors Essay -- Edgar Allen Poe Langst
Collection of Poems by Various Authors Poet Biography, Edgar Allan Poe The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe Mamie by Carl Sandburg Explication, Mamie by Carl Sandburg Two Strangers Breakfast by Carl Sandburg Mag by Carl Sandburg Explications of Two Strangers Breakfast and Mag by Carl Sandburg Reasons Why by Langston Hughes Explication of Reasons Why by Langston Hughes The Faces of Our Youth by Franklin Delano Roosevelt Enjoyment, Explication, The Faces of Our Youth by Franklin Delano Roosevelt Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe Explication Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe Works Cited Poet Biography Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is one of the best-known American poets. His most famous poem is The Raven, a copy of which is included. His first poetry book, Tamerlane and Other Poems is so rare that it sells for two hundred thousand dollars per copy. Poe was also a mystery writer and he is often called â€Å"the father of mysteries.†Overall, Poe has greatly influenced American culture. Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston, Massachusetts. His mother, an actress named Elizabeth Arnold Poe, died in 1811 when Edgar Allan Poe was two. Because of this, he was put up for adoption. He was taken into the home of John Allan, who was a tobacco merchant. Poe attended grade school in England and Richmond, Virginia. He attended the University of Virginia for one year. He had to leave because his stepfather refused to pay tuition. Poe’s stepfather did, however, send Poe a little but of money every month. With that money, Poe was able to live comfortably and still have time for his writing. In 1832, after publishing three poetry books, the Philadelphia Saturday Courier printed five of his prose tales. On May 16, 1836, Poe married his younger cousin, Virginia Clemm. On January 30, 1847, she died. This death caused Poe much sorrow and he became an alcoholic. About three short years later, Poe was found dead on October 7, 1849. The conditions of his death are mysterious. After a visit to Norfolk, Virginia, and Richmond, Virginia, Poe was found unconscious and taken to a hospital, where he dies the following Sunday. Poe is buried in the Westminister Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland. The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a q... ...s lover is dead, he still loves her and will never stop loving her. I think that this is saying that two people who are truly in love cannot ever fall out of love. Even death cannot make their love go away. To me, this poem is an example of what everyone wants someday, true love. This poem has been my favorite poem ever since I first read it. I like how when you read it aloud it has a great rhythm to it and sounds very sing-songy. I believe that this is a wonderful poem with a meaningful message and I hope that one day I can experience this type of love for someone. Works Cited Canfield, Jack, and Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger, eds. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul III. Deerfield Beach, Florida: Health Communications, Inc., 2000. Haskins, James S. Always Movin’ On. New York: Franklin Watts, 1976. Hendrick, George, and Hendrick, Willene, eds. Carl Sandburg, Selected Poems. New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1996. Washington, Peter, eds. Poe: Poems and Prose. New York: Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets, 1995. Wilson, James Southwall. A Summary of Facts Known About Poe. Edgar Allan Poe Museum: 30 Movember 2000, .
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Employment Law Essay -- UK Employment Law
In order to discuss and analyse the above statement, in depth reference will be made to various documents which can in some circumstances relate to contracts of employment and whether those particular documents which are not contractual can be incorporated into a contract, creating legal enforceability for employers and employees. Firstly it must be established what exactly is a contract of employment. A contract of employment is an agreement between an employer and employee, forming the basis of an employment relationship; enforceable by law. Contracts of employment may be given orally or in writing: Employment Rights Act 1996 s 230(2) and commence immediately. Actual written contracts require an employee's signature and the signature of a company representative. Contracts of employment can involve both express and implied terms and can appear in many forms. The express terms, being those which both parties have agreed to, whether by signing a contractual document or acting in a particular way are seldom found in just one document. Terms are repeatedly found in an array of documents, whether they be from the actual formal contract, written statements or an employee handbook. The two latter documents are just some examples of prima facia non contractual documents. In reality very few employees have a formal written contract of employment , but to whom the act does apply: must receive a statement setting out the key particulars of their employment in writing within two months of commencing employment . Written statements are known as the Terms and Conditions of Employment: essentially evidence of the contract, providing clarity for both employee and employer but it is not the actual contract of employment per se. A written statem... ...ent of an employment contract. This is likely to be troublesome point for some time to come and likely to work on case by case basis. Works Cited Employment Rights Act 1996 s 230(2) (n1) s 1 Ian Smith and Aaron Bake, Smith and Wood’s Employment Law (10th edn Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010) 80 [1974] ICR 420 CA Smith and Baker (n3) 81 John Bowers, Bowers on Employment Law (6th edn, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2002) 39 [1972] 2 QB 455 Smith and Baker (n3) citing Lord Denning MR per (n7) [2006] EWCA Civ 1277, [2006] IRLR 961 Slade and 11 KBW, Tolley’s Employment Handbook (24th edn, LexisNexis 2010) citing (n9) (n9) University of London External Programme ‘Chapter2 The contract of employment’
Going It Alone Essay
There are three main aspects of the theme ‘Going it Alone and these are Circumstance, Process and Consequences. â€Å"The Black Balloon†represents each of these three aspects through the characters within the film and these are enhanced by the techniques used by the director Ellisa Downs. Circumstance is all about why you are going it alone. It can be a choice to reject the conformist attitudes and values of society or it can be something that has been forced upon you. Within the first scene of ‘The Black Balloon’ Elissa Downs uses the symbolism of the neighbours watching from behind windows and across the street. This symbolism creates empathy for the protagonist. This shows that Thomas and his family are and have been judged by the modern society due to their difference. The young kids insults within the first scene are an example of colloquial or vernacular language, this accurately reflects the crude nature of some kids today. This shows us that prejudice can be a main cause of being forced to ‘Go it Alone’. Within the second scene of the film ‘Thomas’ First day of School’ Thomas is wearing boardies contrasted against the other boys who are wearing speedos. It is a metaphor for the already forged division between Thomas and the other boys in his class and acknowledges that he is an outsider. All of these techniques show us that ‘Going it Alone’ is something that can be forced upon us and is not always chosen. * Going it Alone can definitely be detrimental to individuals emotional wellbeing. The experience of going it alone can impact on the values, beliefs and character of an individual. It may also involve the compromise of values or the loss of significant relationship. * Within the scene ‘By The River’ Downs uses the symbolism of Thomas’ relationship with Jacquie, it is almost like she is a bridge to the outside world and a way to escape his family. Another technique within this scene is the montage of shots within the army base, this shows the growth of understanding Jacquie undergoes and how their relationship grows. ‘Going it Alone has provided a chance for positive personal growth for both Thomas and Jacquie. These techniques show us that ‘Going it Alone’ can provide us with very positive things like stronger relationships and opportunity for personal growth. Going it Alone can provide physical and emotional distance in order to bring about new understandings, knowledge and skills. These are very positive consequences of ‘Going it Alone’, but there are also very negative consequences. Within the scene of ‘By the River’ Thomas and Jacquie lying on the ground. The framing is symmetrical and emphasizes proximity and intimacy. This demonstrate the benefits and mutuality of going it alone. Both have gone alone (from family and circumstance) but have gained a positive bond in the process. The rain serves as an additional motif of cleansing to reflect the power of their relationship to help provide a new perspective on the difficulties they have had â€Å"going it alone†. These three aspects combine to show the concept of ‘Going it Alone’ in the film the Black Balloon. Ellissa Downs uses common techniques such as camera angles, framing and montage to shape the meaning of the concept of ‘Going it Alone’.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Distribution Of Mrsa And Mssa Health And Social Care Essay
Controling MRSA and MSSA remains a primary focal point of most hospital infection control plans, these pathogens now a job in infirmaries worldwide and progressively recovered from nursing places and the community. Bacterial strain typing distinguishes epidemiologically related or clonal isolates from unrelated isolates Strain word picture is indispensable in set uping the epidemiologic features of nosocomial infections and in planing effectual control methods Using a combination of several methods increases the specificity and sensitiveness of epidemiologic typewriting. The function of strain typing methods is to find whether epidemiologically related isolates are besides genetically related, stand foring the same strain. The consequences obtained by typing methods are besides supplying valuable cognition about the epidemiology of MRSA and MSSA and the relationship between genome content and virulency strains. To find the national prevalence and epidemiology of S. aureus and MRSA colonisation in several infirmaries and wellness attention centres. To find the prevalence of a MRSA colonisation and infection among the staff of whose covering with MRSA infections. To measure schemes to forestall recurrent MRSA infections and transmittal of MRSA in these infirmaries and wellness attention centres and close-contact scenes To measure the molecular features of epidemic MRSA strains including opposition mechanisms and virulency traits. To constructing a national library ( data base ) of MRSA strains to place familial forms or relationships among different types MRSA that could be used to inform bar and control schemes. To measure the efficaciousness of infection control†¦ †¦ .Methodology:Protocol design: The survey will be conducted in three stairss: ( I ) a local survey qualifying MRSA and MSSA isolates collected from infirmaries and wellness attention centres in coveted location, allowing the acknowledgment of the major MRSA and MSSA ringers ; ( two ) a countrywide survey of the spread of the major ringer ; ( three ) a worldwide survey comparing the features and familial content of the major pandemic MRSA and MSSA ringers found in this protocol with informations in the literature.4.2 Designation of isolatesNasal, pharynx swabs and blood will be obtained from representative staff and patients ( including bad patients in special-care units ( e.g. grownup, paediatric, and neonatal ICUs ; burn ; haemodialysis in add-on to outpatients from each infirmary and wellness centre included in this protocol. MRSA and MSSA designation will be performed by utilizing standard methods harmonizing to Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute recommendations ( CLSI. 2007 ) . Phenotypically confirmed isolates will be reconfirmed by sensing Sa442 and mecA DNA fragment for MSSA and MRSA severally by PCR, originally described by ( Martineau et al. , 1998 ) is a popular DNA mark for designation of S. aureus by PCR and will be used as a verification tool for all samples in this survey.4.3 Antimicrobial Susceptibility TestingAntibiograms will be determined by disc diffusion on Mueller-Hinton agar harmonizing to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards ( NCCLS 2007 ) . The undermentioned antimicrobic agents will be included: penicillin, oxacillin, Garamycin, clindamycin, Erythrocin, Vancocin and daptomycin. ( These antibiotic can modified harmonizing different infirmaries and wellness centres demands )4.4 Genotypic analysis:4.4.1 DNA extraction:Genomic DNA will be extracted from staphylococcal positive civilizations by utilizing the undermentioned methods: a loop full of bacteriums is picked from home base and transferred to 1 milliliters PBS buffer and extractor at 14000rpm for 5 min. Supernatant is discarded and the pellet is re-suspension in 100 µl TE 10:1, this suspension will be boiled at 95C for 10 proceedingss and reassign straight to ice and 1ml of TE 10:1 will be added as concluding measure. The sensing of staphylococcal toxin cistrons: staphylococcal superantigen ( SAg ) Sequences specific for staphylococcal enterotoxin cistrons ( sea to see ) , the toxic daze syndrome toxin cistron ( tsst-1 ) , exfoliative toxin cistrons ( Basque Homeland and Freedom and etb ) and Panton-Valentine Leukocidin ( PVL ) cistrons ( lukS-PV-lukF-PV ) will be detected by PCR with the undermentioned conditions and primers: an initial denaturation at 94 & A ; deg ; C for 5 min followed by 35 rhythms of elaboration ( denaturation at 94 & A ; deg ; C for 2 min, tempering at 57 & A ; deg ; C for 2 min, and extension at 72 & A ; deg ; C for 1 min ) , stoping with a concluding extension at 72 & A ; deg ; C for 7 min. ( This portion is non necessary†¦ †¦ .. )Detection of Antiseptic cistrons cistrons4.4.3 Determination of SCCmec type.Typing of the nomadic familial component ( SCCmec ) will be determined utilizing a antecedently published manifold PCR scheme that generated a specific elaboration form for each SCCmec structural type4.4.5 Multilocus sequence typing MLSTMRSA isolates will be genitically characterized by Multilocus sequence typewriting ( MLST ) , which is based on the sequence analysis of defined subdivisions of seven housekeeping cistrons. ( Sequencing of both DNA strands will be performed commercially ) . The allelomorphs at each of the seven housekeeping venues were identified by compa ring the sequences obtained from the trial isolates with sequences held in the MLST database ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . This database was besides used to place the allelomorphic profile and therefore the sequence type ( ST ) of each isolate. STs were assigned to clonal composites ( CCs ) utilizing the constellating algorithm eBURST ( based upon related sequence types ) ( Feil et al. , 2004 ; hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Using eBURST, isolates with specific STs are assigned to a peculiar CC if they are related to at least one other ST in that CC at six out of the seven MLST venue used. Isolates that do non portion allelomorphs at six of the seven MLST venue with any other ST in the MLST database are deemed singletons.4.4.6 spa typewriting:watering place typewriting will be performed as described by Shopsin et al. , 1999, this strategy relies on the polymorphism of the variable-number tandem repetition part of the spa cistron. Strains will be categorized as indistinguishable on the footing of an indistinguishable watering place type appellation ( Shopsin et al. , 1999 ) . PCR for elaboration of the S. aureus protein A ( watering place ) repetition part will be performed by utilizing this primer F: 5†²- TAA AGA CGA TCC TTC GGT GAG C -3 ‘ and R: 5'-CAG CAG TAG TGC CGT TTG CTT -3 ‘ With these PCR conditions: an initial denaturation at 94 & A ; deg ; C for 5 min followed by 35 rhythms of elaboration ( denaturation at 94 & A ; deg ; C for 2 min, tempering at 57 & A ; deg ; C for 2 min, and extension at 72 & A ; deg ; C for 1 min ) , stoping with a concluding extension at 72 & A ; deg ; C for 7 min. ( O?O O?O §O ¬ O?O?O?USU„ ) PCR merchandises will be purified and sequenced. A spa type is deduced from the sequence and figure of spa repetitions, which are generated by point mutants and intra chromosomal recombination events. Mutant of a individual base brace consequences in a different watering place type. With the BURP algorithm ( Ridom GmbH ) , spa types were clustered into different groupsEfficacy of the Infection Control plan:The efficaciousness of the infection control will be evaluated by utilizing the standards listed in table 1, in add-on to proving the ability of this infection control plan to: Surveillance of hospital infection. Constitution and monitoring of policies and processs designed to forestall infection ( e.g. catheter attention policy, antibiotic policy and bactericidal policy ) . Probe of eruptions beginning and paths of transmittal.S.aureus surveillance:AS surveillance is a critically of import constituent of any infection control plan, the clinical microbiology research lab consequences obtained as portion of everyday clinical attention will be monitored leting sensing of any freshly emerging strain.Statistical analysis:Differences between groups will be assessed utilizing the qi square trial. P values of 0.05 will be considered statistically important. Eventuality tabular arraies will be used to compare the prevalence of a peculiar cistron type between clonal composites. Expected consequences: Strain typewriting is indispensable in set uping the epidemiologic features of nosocomial infections and in planing infection control methods. The function of strain typing methods is to find whether epidemiologically related isolates are besides genetically related or stand foring the same strain. Multilocus sequence typewriting ( MLST ) is a new molecular technique that was developed ab initio for S aureus. It is based on placing allelomorphs from DNA sequences of internal fragments of housekeeping cistrons. Multilocus sequence typewriting has been successfully used for the survey of molecular epidemiology and for the geographic expedition of the population construction and development of virulency of assorted bacterial species. Because there are many allelomorphs at each of the 7 venue, it is improbable to hold indistinguishable allelomorphic profiles by opportunity, and isolates with the same allelomorphic profile can be considered members of the same ringer. The major advantages of MLST are the ability to compare consequences obtained in different surveies via computerized databases on the Internet and the installation to readily compare sequence informations among research labs. The end of strain typing surveies is to find whether epidemiologically related isolates collected during an eruption of disease are genetically related and represent the same strain. The usage of strain typing consequences in infection control determinations is based on the undermentioned 3 premises: ( 1 ) isolates stand foring the eruption are recent offspring of a individual ( common ) precursor, ( 2 ) such isolates will hold the same genotype, and ( 3 ) epidemiologically unrelated isolates will hold different genotypes. Health centre A Health centre B Example of distribution of isolates within clonal composites. . MLST CC terminology was deduced from watering place CCs utilizing the Ridom SpaServer database. CC30 was overrepresented strains from Health centre B, CC8 was overrepresented among isolates from Health centre A, and CC5 included merely Health centre A. Example of eventuality tabular arraies will be used to compare the prevalences of a peculiar cistron type between clonal composites. Here merely agr and superantigens genens were included in this illustration and this tabular array applicable for all virulency cistrons. Example of MLST, SCCmec type, and staphylococcal toxin cistrons in MRSA isolates distributed among hdfjkfh
Fire Safety and Dorm Polocies
The Ann Arbor Fire Department responded to the call at about 10:40 p. M. , but by that time the fire had already been contained by the hall's sprinkler system, officials said. No one was injured†(Caller, 2008). Here we see a fire related incident which took place at a residence hall in Michigan. Something as simple as a small electric fan could lead to large, costly damage. This incident relates to me because I made the decision to have a candle in my dorm room.An unlit candle to most would seem extremely harmless; however, there are many ways that it could put the people around it in danger. One way that a candle could cause a large problem would be if someone were to light it and have the smoke be caught by the smoke detector. Even if the owner did not light the candle, a roommate or friend that comes in the room while the owner is gone could easily light it. Furthermore, when a candle is lit and then in turn burned out smoke is released into the air. The smoke detectors ins talled in dorm rooms instantly trigger a sprinkler system which floods the room with water when smoke or ire is detected.When a room is flooded with water it affects the surrounding rooms as well. Rooms nearby will most likely have water damage as well which will definitely create a lot of unhappy residents. Not only will residents have to suffer from water damage in their rooms but they will also have to deal with temporary relocation. Students will most likely have to be moved into another dorm hall till the damage can be fixed. Unfortunately, no clean-up crew can replace textbooks, precious pictures or sentiments that could have been damaged from the flood of water or the fire.This is why residence halls have such a strict policy with fire related objects. Another way that candles can be of serious harm to those who surround it is through neglect. Say a resident decided to light a candle and then left it burning while they went to take a shower; a gust of wind from a closing door could easily cause a piece of paper on a desk to blow near it and catch fire and in turn begin to create a much larger fire from that. This is a simple scenario that shows how a simple candle on a desk could lead to a much larger problem.Another case where a residence hall fire caused severe damage was the Poland Hall Fire. â€Å"The fire began around 4:30 AM on January 19 when most students were asleep. It spread rapidly across three couches in the third floor lounge and approached temperatures of up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit (81 5 degrees Celsius) in less than five minutes. Though no accelerate was used, the fire burned hot enough to melt the synthetic carpet of the hall, causing severe injuries to many of the students attempting to escape the conflagration by crawling on the floor to reach the stairs.Most students on the third floor evacuated in the thick smoke using the staircases; a few Jumped over 40 feet (12 meters) to the ground. Three students died. Aaron Karol and Frank Calibrator died of thermal injuries, and John Giant died due to smoke inhalation. Fifty-eight students and firefighters were injured, four seriously enough to require lengthy hospital stays and rehabilitation†(Fisher, 2000). This case goes to show how intensely and quickly a fire can affect its surroundings.Not only was the building in which the fire was started destroyed but lives were also lost along with it. Hearing about the severe damage that a building and its residents can have from a small starting fire really make you second guess your decisions. Although having a simple unlit candle can seem like it would cause no harm, in reality it could result in lives lost, buildings destroyed and families of lost or injured loved ones extreme heartache. I would never want to impose those heart aching feelings on anyone.I now realize that my decision to own a candle in a dorm room was a terrible one. I have also learned that I need to think of all the possible outcomes of what could happen as a result of my decision making. This simple write up has changed my outlook on decision making for the better. To receive respect you must give respect which is why you need to think out your sections before you make them. I do not want my room flooded any more than the next person does so I should partake in fire conscious decisions if my other fellow residents are going to as well.Rules are set for a reason and as much as we like to break them they are there for our safety and to prevent anything tragic from happening from one stupid mistake. Along with the fire safety rule the rule about noise policy is Just as important. The actions we make affect everyone around us and choosing to be loud during stud actions we make affect everyone around us and choosing to be loud during study ours can definitely affect your surrounding residents in a negative way.They may be studying for a big exam that will determine whether or not they pass the class and the noise that someo ne is making could affect how well they retain the information they are studying. In all noise is not as large off problem as fire safety is, but it definitely something that can negatively affect its surrounding community. I have thought through my decisions of owning a candle and being too loud in the dorm room and I realize that they are both incidents that could have been avoided if I would have thought out my consequences.If I would have known about the several cases where fires have been started from something so simple as a candle or fan I would have never made the decision to purchase one. This has been a great learning lesson for me and I now know to think my actions out before I make them.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The History and Qualities of Knights essays
The History and Qualities of Knights essays A knight is first and foremost a mounted warrior and that was his primary role in society. Just about anyone who fought on horseback could be considered a knight, even a lowly commoner. This was how it was in the very beginning, but later knights became specialized warriors. They wore armor and wielded a lance along with a sword or mace. Knights possessed many attributes including, Knights had to be able to fight well. Which means they had to have the ability to perform physical tasks and have a vast knowledge of weapons and armor. They had to possess great physical strength. There were no weight training programs only repeated use of arms. Above all they most have tremendous personal bravery. A knight would not fear death. A knight's honor was a measure of his standing amongst his peers. A knight's honor was as real the castle he protected. A knight would not think twice to defend his honor to his last drop of blood. Knightly society was a gift-giving society. A lord was expected to give gifts to his followers. These were not only gifts in the sense we know, but gifts in the form of privileges, shared wartime plunder, and honors shown. Gifts were exchanged to seal alliances, show friendship, and sent to accompany embassies and messengers. Most knights had no need for living within his means. This would indicate a preoccupation with accounting, which was tho ught to be below them. Glory and plunder were the prizes of battle, which every knight sought. Glory is the same as a notation of fame and meant prestige for him and his family. Glory was a public testimony of one's prowess and could be won in tournaments as well as in battle. Knights gained their fame through story and song and written word was becoming the source of lasting glory. Fidelity was paramount and oath-breaking the worst form of behavior. A true knight stayed true to his lord, his church, and his word. Loyalty to one's lord came before everything and everything i...
Stat 1350 - Elementary Statistics Essays - Econometrics, Bathing
Stat 1350 - Elementary Statistics Essays - Econometrics, Bathing Stat 1350 - Elementary Statistics Jigsaw Review for Test 2 Chapters 14-15 and 17-20 Group 1 - Regression - Chapters 14-15: 1. From Rex Boggs in Australia comes an unusual data set: before showering in the morning, he weighed the bar of soap in his shower stall. The weight goes down as the soap is used. The data appear in Table II.3 (weights in grams). Notice that Mr. Boggs forgot to weigh the soap on some days. [pic] A. Plot the weight of the bar of soap against day. [pic] [pic] B. Is the overall pattern roughly straight-line? Based on your scatterplot, is the correlation between day and weight close to 1, positive but not close to 1, close to 0, negative but not close to -1, or close to -1? Explain your answer. The overall pattern is roughly straight-line. The correlation would be close to -1 since the points are very close to lying on a straight decreasing line. C. Find the equation for the least-squares regression line for the data in Table II.3 and write it below. Draw the regression line on your scatterplot from the previous exercise. y = 133.18 - 6.31x 1) Explain carefully what the slope b = -6.31 tells us about how fast the soap lost weight. Every day the weight of the soap decreases 6.31 grams. 2) Mr. Boggs did not measure the weight of the soap on Day 4. Use the regression equation to predict that weight. y = 133.18 - 6.31(4) = 107.94 grams 3) Use the regression equation in the previous exercise to predict the weight of the soap after 30 days. Why is it clear that your answer makes no sense? What's wrong with using the regression line to predict weight after 30 days? After 30 days the soap would weigh - 56.12 grams which is physically impossible. Extrapolation is risky!!! Group 2 - Probability - Chapters 17-20 1 Choose a student at random from all who took Stats 1350 in recent years. The probabilities for the student's grade are [pic] a) What must be the probability of getting an F? b) What is the probability that a student will fail the class (earn D or F)? c) If you choose 5 students at random from all those who have taken Stats 1350, what is the probability that all the students chosen got a B or better? d) To simulate the grades of randomly chosen students, how would you assign digits to represent the five possible outcomes listed? e) Use lines 101-102 from the Random Number Table to simulate 10 repetitions of randomly choosing 5 students and use your results to estimate the probability that all five students chosen got a B or better. How does this compare to the probability you calculated in part (c)? Explain. 2. Rotter Partners is planning a major investment. The amount of profit X is uncertain, but a probabilistic estimate gives the following distribution (in millions of dollars): [pic] What is the expected value of the profit? Interpret this value in a complete sentence in the context of the problem. Group 3 - Probability - Chapters 17-20 (continued) 1. Choose a student in grades 9 to 12 at random and ask if he or she is studying a language other than English. Here is the distribution of results: [pic] a) Explain why this is a legitimate probability model. b) What is the probability that a randomly chosen student is studying a language other than English? (c) What is the probability that a randomly chosen student is studying French, German, or Spanish? 2. Abby, Deborah, Mei-Ling, Sam, and Roberto work in a firm's public relations office. Their employer must choose two of them to attend a conference in Paris. To avoid unfairness, the choice will be made by drawing two names from a hat. (This is an SRS of size 2.) (a) Write down all possible choices of two of the five names. These are the possible outcomes. (b) The random drawing makes all outcomes equally likely. What is the probability of each outcome? (c) What is the probability that Mei-Ling is chosen? (d) What is the probability that neither of the two men (Sam and Roberto) is chosen? Group 4 - Probability - Chapters 17-20 (continued) 1. Are Americans interested in opinion polls about the major issues of the day? Suppose that 40% of all adults are very interested in such
Monday, October 21, 2019
Challenges and Dehumanization Dehumanization in Night by Elie Wiesel Essay Example
Challenges and Dehumanization Dehumanization in Night by Elie Wiesel Essay Example Challenges and Dehumanization Dehumanization in Night by Elie Wiesel Essay Challenges and Dehumanization Dehumanization in Night by Elie Wiesel Essay Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: Challenges and Dehumanization Dehumanization in Night by Elie Wiesel Dehumanization refers to the act of treating someone as less human and it often leads to hatred between the victim and the one who is doing the action. The book â€Å"Night†by Wiesel shows how the Jews were dehumanized in the concentration camps. The Jews are captured and treated like animals. They are transported in cars meant for transporting cattle. They were treated cruelly and they were even denied the basic rights. They were often denied food to eat and some of them died of starvation. Adults were forced to scramble for food remains with children, as each of them fought to survive. It was a world where people saw death as a way of liberation. They preferred death since it would end their suffering and misery in the world. Everyone has a right to a name but the captured Jews are denied this right. Their names are taken away and they are instead given numbers for identification. The Jews are tortured and killed and they face untold suffering. When they reach Birkenau, the weak Jews are isolated and killed by being thrown into the fire. They are treated the same way someone would treat something useless and worthless. In the book, roles reverse as the children who are fortunate enough to be with their parents are forced to take care of them. The people are left with no food and they have to fight for the few scrambles they get. It is a world where father and son fight and kill each other for survival, something so inhuman that it should never happen. Challenges in the Movie Defiance The movie â€Å"Defiance†, tells the story of two Jewish brothers who are caught up in the Nazi invasion. The brothers come home only to find that their family has been killed by the Nazis. They vow to avenge their parents’ death, and they escape and hide in the forest. They bothers have to look for ways to survive. As they do so, other Jews who have escaped death join them in the forest. The brothers are faced with many challenges, especially as the group keeps on increasing in number. The people have to live together peacefully in the midst of the turmoil. They do not have enough food and water, and they are forced to steal from the nearby farms. They have to keep on running and hiding to avoid being captured by the Germans. The situation gets worse in winter. During this period, their challenges increase due to the harsh weather conditions. The hiding Jews have to look for any means they can to survive. In one occasion, they have to fight with and run away from the G ermans. They do not have enough people to fight and they lack the necessary weapons. They are largely outnumbered by the Germans, and many of them die. Facts on the book â€Å"Night†and the movie â€Å"Defiance†The book â€Å"Night†and the movie â€Å"Defiance†are different, yet they both tell the story of the suffering and challenges faced by the Jews in 1940s. In the book, the Jews did not resist when the Germans came to capture them. They willingly obeyed what they were told and they only realized what was happening when it was too late for them to do anything. The movie on the other hand shows the resilience and courage of three young men, and the lengths they were willing to take to ensure the safety and survival of their fellow Jews. They encouraged the Jews to fight for their survival. They did not hesitate to avenge the deaths of their loved ones and their oppressors, and they killed those they considered as their enemies. The movie seems to be passing the message that had the Jews been stronger and willing to fight during the holocaust, many of them would have survived. The movie and the book are an illustration of how people have destroyed each other by their greed , lack of wisdom, and lack of courage.
Free Essays on A Day in My Life
, but they was said. And I let them stay said; and never thought no more about reforming. I shoved the whole thing out of my head; and said I would take up wickedness again, which was in my line, being brung up to it, and the other warn't. And for a starter, I would go to work and steal Jim out of slavery again; and if I could think up anything worse, I would do that, too; be... Free Essays on A Day in My Life Free Essays on A Day in My Life I felt good and all washed clean of sin for the first time I had ever felt so in my life, and I knowed I could pray now. But I didn't do it straight off, but laid the paper down and set there thinking-thinking how good it was all this happened so, and how near I come to being lost and going to hell. And went on thinking. And got to thinking over our trip down the river; and I see Jim before me, all the time, in the day, and in the nighttime, sometimes moonlight, sometimes storms, and we a floating alond, talking, and singing, and laughing. But somehow I couldn't seem to strike no places to harden me against him, but only the other kind. I'd see him standing my watch on top of his'n, stead of calling me, so I could go on sleeping; and see him how glad he was when I come back out of the fog; and when I come to him again in the swamp, up there where the feud was; and such-like times; and would always call me honey, and pet me, and do everything he could think of for me, and how good he always was; and at last I struck the time I saved him by telling the men we had small-pox aboard, and he was so grateful, and said I was the best friend old Jim ever had in the world, and the only one he's got now; and then I happened to look around, and see that paper. It was a close place. I took it up, and held it in my hand. I was a trembling, because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself: "All right, then, I'll go to hell"-and tore it up. It was awful thoughts, and awful words, but they was said. And I let them stay said; and never thought no more about reforming. I shoved the whole thing out of my head; and said I would take up wickedness again, which was in my line, being brung up to it, and the other warn't. And for a starter, I would go to work and steal Jim out of slavery again; and if I could think up anything worse, I would do that, too; be...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on Christopher Colombus Perception Versus Reality
In any average elementary school of Anywhere, U.S.A students learn about Christopher Columbus and the Indians at and early age. Normally, Columbus is portrayed as the â€Å"hero†that â€Å"sailed the ocean blue in 1492†to discovered America. Jointly, the Indians are often portrayed as feather head-dress-wearing, tee-pee dwelling Neanderthals who killed for personal gain. A close examination of both Columbus and the Indians would illustrate and entirely different view. Native American culture varied tremendously in North America previous to European involvement. Prehistoric people migrated from Siberia across the Bering Straight to Alaska some 14,000 years before Columbus â€Å"discovered†America. These migrants spread across North America and formed thousands of different ethnic groups or tribes. Each group was individually unique, but most were far more advanced than the early Europeans acknowledge. By the time of European encounter most tribes had developed methodological social structures. Some of these were quite similar to European customs, with a basis or distinct class with â€Å"kings†in rule. The majority of tribes had been in use of advance agricultural skills for thousands of years. The Plains Indians of the western states had developed â€Å"maps†in order to follow the buffalo with knowledge of astronomy. Few tribes were ruthlessly war like, although the occasional battle did occur much like in European culture. In fact, some Native American tribes greeted the Europeans with open arms and gift (Oats). Despite the true nature of the Indians, the Europeans had preconceived notions based on ignorance. Columbus’ first experience with Indians was with the Arawak tribes or the Bahamas Islands. He landed there on the historical 1492 voyage of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria with the notion that he could sail west to get east to Asia and the Indies. The King and Queen of Spain whom he promised gold financed ... Free Essays on Christopher Colombus Perception Versus Reality Free Essays on Christopher Colombus Perception Versus Reality In any average elementary school of Anywhere, U.S.A students learn about Christopher Columbus and the Indians at and early age. Normally, Columbus is portrayed as the â€Å"hero†that â€Å"sailed the ocean blue in 1492†to discovered America. Jointly, the Indians are often portrayed as feather head-dress-wearing, tee-pee dwelling Neanderthals who killed for personal gain. A close examination of both Columbus and the Indians would illustrate and entirely different view. Native American culture varied tremendously in North America previous to European involvement. Prehistoric people migrated from Siberia across the Bering Straight to Alaska some 14,000 years before Columbus â€Å"discovered†America. These migrants spread across North America and formed thousands of different ethnic groups or tribes. Each group was individually unique, but most were far more advanced than the early Europeans acknowledge. By the time of European encounter most tribes had developed methodological social structures. Some of these were quite similar to European customs, with a basis or distinct class with â€Å"kings†in rule. The majority of tribes had been in use of advance agricultural skills for thousands of years. The Plains Indians of the western states had developed â€Å"maps†in order to follow the buffalo with knowledge of astronomy. Few tribes were ruthlessly war like, although the occasional battle did occur much like in European culture. In fact, some Native American tribes greeted the Europeans with open arms and gift (Oats). Despite the true nature of the Indians, the Europeans had preconceived notions based on ignorance. Columbus’ first experience with Indians was with the Arawak tribes or the Bahamas Islands. He landed there on the historical 1492 voyage of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria with the notion that he could sail west to get east to Asia and the Indies. The King and Queen of Spain whom he promised gold financed ...
Metal Elements From the Period Table Facts
Metal Elements From the Period Table Facts Most of the elements in the periodic table are metals. You use metals every day, but how much do you actually know about them? Here is a list of facts and trivia about metals. Facts About Metals The word metal derives from the Greek word metallon, which means to mine, excavate or extract from the ground.75% of all the elements on the periodic table are metals. The metals are subdivided into separate groups, such as basic metals, transition metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, rare earth, lanthanides, and actinides.At room temperature, all of the metals are solids except for mercury, which is a liquid.The most common metal found in the Earths crust is aluminum.Even though aluminum is abundant in the crust, the most abundant element in the entire Earth is iron, which makes up a large part of the Earths core.Up until Medieval Times, there were only 7 known metals, which were called the Metals of Antiquity. The Metals of Antiquity and their approximate discovery dates are:Gold (6000 BC)Copper (9000 BC)Silver (4000 BC)Lead (6400 BC)Tin (3000 BC)Iron (1500 BC)Mercury (1500 BC)Most metals are shiny and have a characteristic metallic luster.Most metals are good conductors o f heat and electricity. Many metals are heavy or dense, although some metals, such as lithium, are light enough to float on water!Most metals are hard.Most metals are malleable or may be beaten into a thin sheet.Many metals are ductile or capable of being draw into a wire.Many metals are sonorous or make a bells of radioactive metals that glow include plutonium (red from heat), radon (yellow to orange to red), and actinium (blue).Noble metals, such as silver, gold, and platinum, resist oxidation and corrosion in moist air. Precious metals have significant economic importance. Most of the precious metals also are noble metals, since its important for a currency to resist wear and tear. Examples of precious metals include gold and silver.Tungsten is the metal with the highest melting point. Only carbon, a nonmetal, has a higher melting point of all the elements.Steel is an alloy made from iron with other metals.Bronze is an alloy usually made from copper and tin.Brass is an alloy usually made from copper and zinc.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Comparison between Jack Welch and Larry Page for Tracking Out the Dissertation
Comparison between Jack Welch and Larry Page for Tracking Out the Ultimate Leaded - Dissertation Example Two great leaders like Jack Welch and Larry Page has been considered and a comparative study has been performed on their leadership qualities. Jack Welch is considered as the man behind General Electric’s (GE) success story during the period 1980 to 1990. Despite being of young age and having less experience, Welch went on to perform better than his predecessor (Mayo and Nohria, 2005). Larry Page who is quite well known as a manager has made positive contributions towards Google. He created the algorithm known as Page Rank ranking the different existing websites. Google has used this site successfully to publish an order of the sites on the web (JBC on Journal Ranking, 2012). Although leadership and management are distinct concepts, yet they complement each other. Both the concepts play an important role for business growth and prosperity. But as per the current scenario of US Companies’ it is found that there management is excessive for these companies but they lack ab le leaders. A company requires a strong combination of both leadership and management in order to prosper. The ability of a leader lies in accepting upcoming business challenges and in dealing effectively with those challenges in the business world (Kotter, 1990). However leadership goals are mainly ambitious one but the managers set goals as per the needs of the company. Managerial culture has more rationality embedded in it and differs a lot from the culture which leaders bring within their companies. Leadership is known to have more practical implications while managers operate more on the notion of efficiency (Zalzenik, 2004). It has been found for business growth more concentration needs to be placed on the notion of effectiveness rather than efficiency (Drucker, 2006). Companies’ Board of Directors are now in constant search of business leaders to be the CEOs of their companies. They are not content with mere experience of the candidates for eligibility (Khurana, 2002). With this at the backdrop it can be argued that Jack Welch can be considered as a better leader than Larry Page being a business leader rather with the technical background like Page. The paper intends to support such an argument by making a comparison of the leadership qualities of Jack Welch and Larry Page for tracing out the more able and ultimate leader among both of them thereby taking a look at the background of the two great leaders. In recent times the established business schools running the MBA courses are entrusted with the job of selecting those candidates who have the capability of becoming able mangers in the future. Such a selection of applicants is done by testing their leadership qualities. High marks in GMAT are not considered as the sole indicator of managerial skills (Training Mangers not MBAs, n.d., p.81). Business schools are criticized if they fail in creating able leaders. Without leadership qualities the business schools may not be able to come up with grad uates who have real managerial potentials and can do well in corporate sector. Such a failure may be considered equivalent to a crisis arising in management study. Such MBA graduates in future may assume high positions in management of business schools and for this leadership qualities are essential (Bennis and O’Toole, 2005). The main objectives of businesses are to obtain fruitful outcomes. An organization’
Stephen Hawking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Stephen Hawking - Essay Example His most important contributions were to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity, especially in the context of black holes. Stephen Hawking, who has been spending his career contemplating the nature of gravity from a wheelchair, is renowned as the co-founder of the Bing Bang theory of origin of the universe and he has made immense contribution to the theoretical understanding of black holes and other space-time singularities, including the strings and worm holes. "Where did the universe come from What happened before its beginning Will it end What will happen after that What, then, is the true nature of time These are the questions that have absorbed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, widely regarded as the most brilliant physicist since Albert Einstein, and possibly of all time." (Haven and Clark, 251) Apart from his significant role in establishment of the Bing Bang theory and the theoretical understanding of black holes and other space-time singularities, Hawking has been inspirational in the study of the bizarre workings of a relative, curving space-time. "More than any other individual, Stephen Hawking has both brought the reality of the vast universe into our consciousness and significantly advanced our theoretical understanding of major cosmic events." (Haven and Clark, 251-2) Therefore, the paramount importance of Stephen Hawking as the most prominent contributor to the contemporary physics, particularly the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity is indubitable and this paper makes a reflective investigation into the major contributions by this luminary figure in physics today. In an understanding of the major contributions by Stephen Hawking, it becomes lucid that his breakthroughs in cosmology and quantum gravity still remain a great mystery to the contemporary scholars. It was in the fall of 1973 that Hawking found himself fascinated in a horrific and embarrassing calculation which resulted in significant theories of quantum gravity in the context of black holes. "Attempting to investigate the microscopic properties of black holes, the gravitational traps from which not even light can escape, Dr. Hawking discovered to his disbelief that they could leak energy and particles into space, and even explode in a fountain of high-energy sparks His colleagues were dazzled and mystified Nearly 30 years later, they are still mystified They are ideas that touch on just about every bone-jarring abstruse concept in modern physics." (Overbye, 2002) The colleagues of Hawking were first dazzled and mystified when he reported his findings in the journal Nature, under the title, "Black Hole Explosions" They are still mystified when his ideas generated by his calculation and its consequences were at the center stage in a workshop titled "The Future of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology." Therefore, Black holes still remain fundamentally as enigmatic objects and the discovery of black hole radiation by Hawking has been of essential significance to that connection. Hawking has often been perplexed about his findings with regard to black holes and he asserted 30 years since his original divisive pronouncements that he had been wrong in making the earlier assertion about black holes, the terrifying gravitational abysses that can swallow matter and energy. Previously, there was
Friday, October 18, 2019
Interpretative Phenomenological Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Interpretative Phenomenological Approach - Essay Example They found that interactive environmental activities in an outdoor programme had a significant impact on attitudes and that passive instruction had little impact on retention of knowledge. A scale of this type consists of a series of bipolar adjective pairs (e.g. good-bad, beneficial-harmful) listed on opposite sides of a page, with seven spaces in between. The attitude object is identified at the top of the scale and may be a word, statement or picture. The respondent is instructed to evaluate the attitude object by placing a mark in one of the seven spaces between each adjective pair. Development of semantic differential scales stems from the use of theory of reasoned action to investigate science-related attitudes. This is particularly important in the field of Psychology education where behaviour is a clear objective. In their theory, suggest that attitude measures should focus on a person's attitude toward behaviour rather than on the person's attitude toward particular objects. That is, instead of asking about students' attitudes towards the r researchers should assess their attitudes toward learning about the experience. This method is called the Interpretative Phenomenological Method, which is the approach used in this study in analysing the experience of Zoe, a teenager who has been adopted by a family. Interpretative Phenomenological Approach is a method which is considered as consonant with the picture presented above is introduced. Interpretative phenomenological analysis is a method which attempts to tap into a natural propensity for self-reflection on the part of participants (Abraham and Sheeran, 2001). Obviously the degree to which individuals are used to expressing such reflections, orally or in writing, can vary and some people need more encouraging and facilitating than others. But a central premise of the method is allowing participants to tell their own story, in their own words, about the topic under investigation. However, research is not a simple, singular process and the original account from the participant in the form of an interview transcript or diary entry, for example, then needs to be analysed closely by the investigator. Interpretative phenomenological analysis is about attempting to discover meanings, not eliciting facts, but trying to find out what a person's health condition means to them requires considerable interpretative work on the part of the researcher (Abramson et al., 2003). The resultant analytic account can therefore be said to be the joint product of the reflection by both participant and researcher. This study will provide a brief theoretical contextualisation for interpretative phenomenological analysis and then argues for the particular relevance it has for health psychology. It is worth pointing out that this approach aims to have a dialogue with, and to help enlarge, the discipline of psychology not to attack or stand outside it. As will become apparent, interpretative phenomenological analysis can make a valuable contribution in enriching the way mainstream psychology conceives of the individual's experience of adoption. Method The interpretative phenomenological analysis applied to the social psychology as an application to the study on the experience of the subject Zoe as an adopted in a family. The first example is from a study examining how Zoe feels of him being adopted. The project involves analysis of long semi-structured interviews with Zoe. Because the study is
Logics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Logics - Term Paper Example Brow includes the three theories by Professor Rich Savin- Williams which has given a totally different flavor to the article. These theories are used to understand why the concept of gay and lesbian has become so widely accepted today. He blames it on the openness that exists in the work and leisure environment today. Williams believes that since the gay and lesbian members of the community have openly accepted themselves as gays and lesbians, the other members of the society can do little to discriminate against them. The article moves on to describe a very controversial concept which deals with why only the men are accepting their gay nature so openly and why women are still conservative when it comes to this. Brow brings in what he calls the â€Å"ceiling effect†to describe this. Brow concludes that there is no philosophical reasoning to why men are more acceptable to such notions, it is just that men are catching up to women and there may be a time when tables turn over w omen. Towards the end, Brow also touches gay and lesbian marriages and says that even though such members are acceptable in the society; their open relationships are still not welcome in the US. Gay marriages are still a controversial topic in the US and Brow thinks that it would continue to be so until the next few years. Although Brow begins with a very instinctive approach towards gays and lesbians by stating that the topic that he has considered and the facts that he has gathered are â€Å"stunning†just to emphasize how magnificently faulty they are (Bergmann, 1997). It gives the reader a feel that Brow is not very happy with the notion of accepting such members in the society and particularly military in a free fashion. However, as the article proceeds, Brow changes his approach to be a more analytical one. He states theories by Professor Williams and he uses statistics and
Brief introductory description of physiology of the central nervous Essay
Brief introductory description of physiology of the central nervous system related to Parkinson's disease - Essay Example This is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system that ultimately targets the dopamine generating cells situated in the substantia nigra a region in the midbrain. Once the dopamine generating cells have been destroyed, the synchronization of movement by both the brain and the spinal cord is affected. (Weiner, Shulman, & Lang, 2013 pg.21). A precise study and diagnosis of the disease is characterized by the buildup of a protein called alpha-synuclein in the neurons specifically in the inclusions of the neurons called the Lewy bodies. Since this directly affects the neurons, the formation and activity of dopamine, which is formed by certain neurons in the some sections of the midbrain are also disrupted. The accumulation of this protein cause a massive death of dopamine producing neurons, and the inevitable outcome is the Parkinson’s disease. The seriousness of the disease will depend on the distribution of the Lewy bodies within the neurons, and the more the distribution, the higher the rate of manifestation of Parkinson’s disease. (Tseng, 2009 pg93). It has been determined that the Parkinson’s disease is rampant in old age than it is in younger people, it rarely affect young individuals unless some heredity factors come into play. Exposure to some pesticides increases the risk of Parkinson’s disease and ironically there is a reduced risk in tobacco smokers. Any disease must be detected in its early stages and treatment done instantly so as to avoid severe cases of the disease. Parkinson’s disease has a number of very clear symptoms that are easily recognizable so that treatment can start early. The disease has a deceptive beginning which progresses slowly. The symptoms can be differentiated in motor and non-motor symptoms. The common early motor signs of the disease are tremors and awkward movements. This
Ban on Tobacco and Governments Attempts to Regulate It Essay
Ban on Tobacco and Governments Attempts to Regulate It - Essay Example The white paper in 1998 promised new action to tackle tobacco to reduce 1, 06,000 deaths in UK due to smoking. The regulation targets the nine million adults in UK, who still smoke in 2002. Now it has been decreased, but still there is reasonable number of smokers in UK, which needs regulation. According to Statutory instrument 2006 No. 3368 UK regulations ensure smoke free premises and enforcement. According to the act, the smoking is banned in enclosed premises as the smoking in them may result in polluted environment. The responsibility of enforcement of the act lies with port health authority and unitary authority. As the authorities are entitled with the responsibility of ensuring smoke free enclosures or premises, they have to be prepared with the legal aspects that help in enforcement. The important aspect in regulating the smoking is to stop the production. As it does not happen with the above regulation, the government is trying to minimise the consumption and is trying to make the closed premises smoke and pollution free, so that the passive smokers as well as smokers can avoid some serious diseases. In addition to the above context, Government tried to regulate the tobacco by labelling of packaging, regulating the content in tobacco products, restricting the sal e of tobacco to young people of a certain age limit. However, the last aspect in the just mentioned topics cannot be implemented properly as the administration cannot contain the sale of tobacco products to children or young people of certain age. In case of second aspect mentioned above, the restrictions of sale of tobacco resulted in counterfeit sales of cigarettes and other tobacco products and it resulted in loss to exchequer despite sales going on. The labelling of packaging is not much effective as most of the smokers do not buy packets of cigarettes. Though it is effective in some classes of people, the labelling did not decrease smoking in lower economic class people who buy cigarettes not as a pack but single cigarettes. In addition to that the legislation made in 2002 regarding manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco products resulted in hard hitting health warnings. The act prohibited the advertisements of cigarette and tobacco product manufacturing companies, which indicate that they are less injurious to health. The Government started to give picture warnings, which are understandable with least reading and concentration. The picture warnings started from 2008 on cigarette denoting that the people will die a slow death by smoking cigarettes, which indicates premature death. However, the premature death cannot restrain young or energetic smokers who do not care much about health and death as they are strong enough. However, the above signals can restrain middle aged and old aged smokers who face health problems due to smoking. Hence, the graphic picture warnings on cigarette packs regarding rotting teeth and lungs, throat cancer can create thinking in smokers about their health from 1st Octo ber. Out of millions of smokers, just 90,000 smokers called NHS smoking helpline to know about the health problems and ways and means to quit smoking. The statutory instruments did not turn out to be a full success as only small amount of the
Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 11
Writer's choice - Essay Example Heatric initially developed this technique around 1980’s. Diffusion Bonding attaches together all the flow plates that are found in a Heatric Stack through the application of extremely high temperatures and pressures. The structural model of this technique does not allow any melting channels or deformation and therefore ensures that the models are completely bonded in the stack. In the Diffusion Bonding process, there is no brazing flux or metallic filers are applied to fill in the gaps between the plates. The resultant outcome of this process is high-intensity solid blocks of the original metallic sheets that contain the internal flow channels passing through the core of the metallic blocks. The Diffusion Bonding technique is applied in a number of industrial productions. This process of bonding provides numerous advantages, the main advantage being that it provides stronger bonding lines than other techniques. Sometimes, engineers equate the bonding line strength of this method to base metals. The Microstructure of the bonding line has the same atomic properties as the parent metals. Conversely, the Diffusion Bonding technique requires a strictly confined environment to operate. The technique demands that surfaces be cleaned thoroughly and be smoothened completely to free them from oxides and other impurities. It also needs very high levels of temperatures to facilitate the process of diffusion. In this technique, the strength of the bonded materials is achieved by way of applying pressure during the process of bonding. Strength is additionally attained through the application of extremely high temperatures and the period allowed for contact. Diffusion is the main contributor of the strength rather than any deformation of plastic materials. The fusion segment of the process additionally deals with high temperature flow characteristics and refined grain sizes. In attaining a tight
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Preparation of Acetyl Salicylic Acid (Aspirin) Lab Report
Preparation of Acetyl Salicylic Acid (Aspirin) - Lab Report Example In the following experiment we embark to acquaint ourselves with a simple laboratory protocol for the synthesis of aspirin. This procedure will use acetic anhydride and sulfuric acid as the acid catalyst of the reaction. Objective: To illustrate the synthesis of the drug, aspirin and determine its purity by a chemical test Materials and methods: Synthesis of Aspirin A water- bath was prepared by filling half-way a 400mL beaker with water and the water heated to boiling point. 2.004g of salicylic acid was placed in a 125mL Erlenmeyer flask. Carefully 3mL of acetic anhydride was added to the flask and while swirling 3 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid were added. To avoid eye irritation and burns caused by acetic anhydride and sulfuric acid respectively, the chemicals were handled in the hood in gloves. The reagents were mixed and then the flask was placed in the boiling water-bath and heated for 15minutes. The setting of the practical is as shown in the diagram 1.1 below. This disso lved any solid while the solution was occasionally swirled. The Erlenmeyer flask was removed from the bath and left to cool to approximately the room temperature. The solution in the flask was then poured into a 150-mL beaker containing 20mL of ice water and mixed thoroughly before placing the beaker in an ice bath. The water destroyed any remnant of unreacted acetic anhydride and caused the insoluble aspirin to precipitate from the solution. The crystals were collected by filtering under suction with a Buchner funnel as shown in diagram 1.2 below. The side-arm of a 250mL filter flask was connected to a water aspirator with heavy wall vacuum rubber tubing. The Buchner funnel was inserted into the filter flask through a one-hole rubber stopper and a filter paper placed into the Buchner funnel making sure the paper covered all the holes. Finally the water was poured to the paper to wet it and then the water aspirator was turned on to a maximum water flow and the solution in the beaker poured into the funnel. The crystals were washed with two portions of cold water each 5mL and then followed by a one 10mL portion of cold ethanol. The suction of air was continued through the crystal for several minutes so as to dry them. The crystals were placed between several sheets of filter paper using a spatula and press-dried. A 50mL beaker was weighed before placing the crystals and reweighing the beaker. The weight and percentage yield of the crude aspirin was determined. Diagram 2: filtering using the Buchner funnel Procedure to determination of aspirin purity Three test tubes each 100 x 13 mm were labeled 1, 2, 3 and a few crystals of salicylic acid placed in the test tube-1 and in test tube-2 a small sample the newly synthesized aspirin was placed whereas for test tube-3 a small sample of crushed commercial was placed. In each of the test tubes, 5mL of distilled water was added and test tubes shaken to dissolve the crystals and a further 10 drops of 1% aqueous ferric ch loride was also added to each test tube. Observation and comparisons were made from the three test tubes and recorded. Results and Discussion Theoretical yield 2.004g salicylic acid X Weight of 50-mL beaker = 39.21 Weight of the aspirin and the beaker = 40.69 Weight of aspirin = Weight of the aspirin and the beaker - Weight of 50-mL beaker 40.69 – 39.21 = 1.48 g Weight of crude aspirin = 1.48 g Percent yield = 56.70% Chemical test with ferric chloride Presence of unreacted salicylic acid can be detected with 1% ferric chloride
Interferences in the Assay of Serum Albumin Using the Bromcresol Green Lab Report
Interferences in the Assay of Serum Albumin Using the Bromcresol Green Indicator - Lab Report Example Albumin's molecular structure was reported from research in the past 30 years. Albumin's clinical importance was discussed, explaining that the test for Albumin is not a marker for any specific disease, while it is an important indicator for the physiological condition of the body. It was explained that an abnormally high result for Albumin needs to resolved and at face-value is considered a spurious result. The cause of elevated albumin levels are usually a result of accompanying serum proteins, acute phase infections, elevated immunoglobulins(found in multiple myeloma), or autoimmune issues. The BCG method was thoroughly researched. It is a valuable test for screening, when performing mass analysis of blood work in large clinical laboratories. It has fallen out of favor with laboratory clinicians for fear that the test can mask hypoalbunemia and low readings. BCG is an acid-base indicator, its acid to base color change is from yellow to blue, with a range in pH from 4.2-5.6. The de tection of hypoalbunemia is always important to a physician. Low Albumin readings are indicative of a deteriorating condition in the body. An alternative to the BCG indicator is Bromcresol Purple(BCP), also an acid–base indicator. A comparison studies have been performed of the two methods. When compared to a benchmark analytic method Capillary Zone Electrophoresis(CZE), the positive bias for BCG was 3.77, while BCP faired much better with 0.67. Our experiment produced linear curves needed in detection and quantification of albumin concentrations. We demonstrated the effect on accompanying globulins elevating the result in BCG determinations of albumin. We also showed that time, reagent concentration and wavelength of absorbance significantly affect albumin readings. We bring to consideration for further testing the affect of pH on the test. Background and Literature review In clinical medical laboratories the testing for serum albumin, globulins and total protein are standard procedures, performed daily. Theses assays may also be requested STAT or on an emergency basis for patients suffering a crisis situation. The techniques for determining albumin and total protein are numerous and varied. Most clinical laboratories perform three routine three routine examinations; 1) Total Protein(TP) 2) Serum Albumin(Alb) 3) Serum Globulins Human blood contains both a cellular and liquid portion. Albumin is the most abundant protein in the human circulatory system1 and contributes 80% to providing colloid osmotic pressure2. Albumin is chiefly responsible for maintenance of the blood's acid-base balance, commonly referred to as pH3. In mammals it is synthesized by the liver as a preproalbumin. It undergoes a two cleavage processes before release into the body's circulation in its final form. It has been determined that the half-life of a albumin molecule is 19 days4.. Figure 1: Molecular Cleavage of albumin from preproalbumin->proalbumin->albumin Figure 2: The classical perception of the Albumin molecule Peters, T., Jr. (1985). Serum Albumin. Adv. Protein Chem.37; 161-2455 Figure 3: Primary, secondary and tertiary structure (Carter and Ho, 1994) . 6 This picture shows the bovine albumin amino acid sequence. The BSA molecule is made up of three homologous domains (I, II, III) which are divided into nine loops (L1-L9) by 17 disulphide bonds. The loops in each domain are made up of a sequence of large-small-large loops forming a triplet. Each domain in turn is the product of two subdomains (IA, IB, etc.). The primary structure of albumin is unusual among extracellular proteins in possessing a single
Risk Management and Quality Care in HealthCare Research Paper
Risk Management and Quality Care in HealthCare - Research Paper Example Considering the above factors, the techniques to enhance the quality care has also been discussed henceforth. When a patient in a healthcare organization is harmed due to a medical error, the risk and the quality managers need to display immediate interest to identify the root of the error. A detailed curriculum is followed observing the different reasons, which have led to such litigation. However, it has been observed that both the quality managers and the risk managers have a separate set of investigation techniques and hardly share any information among them causing a gap in the rick control mechanism followed by healthcare organizations in general. Considering the fact that both the groups are working with the same motive, the groups have found a common ground upon which a collaborative model can be pursued to enhance their approach (WHO, n.d.). Risk management is a very popular practice in healthcare organizations, as it helps to provide a much developed care to the patients. The quality care to the patients can be provided through continuous monitoring of medical activity that is being organized for patients. Again, it can be also said that no two organizations are alike hence no single model of risk management/quality control can suffice the need of every healthcare. Every organization follows different sets of procedures to cover up the risks that the healthcare is exposed to. However, with the focus of quality management, the policies of the organizations are more or less stable, even when new tools and procedures are incorporated (ASHRM, 2007). Notably, the quality care is presently gaining momentum at the healthcare industry and covers the all-around care for the patients. This involves the medical safety of the patients and maintaining a proper grievance cell to adhere to the grievances of the patients. Proper
Spreading Innovation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Spreading Innovation - Term Paper Example The problem being addressed by this innovation is poor devotion or observance to individually administered management practices particularly prescriptions among diabetic individuals. The outcome associated with this innovation is improved control of individual glycemic levels and reduced costs of treatment since the prevalence of complications is significantly reduced (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). This innovation can be introduced in my organization to help improve quality and safety of healthcare services. One of the problems that can be addressed by this innovation in my organization involves cancer patients. Text messages and nurse follow up whereby participants are asked to respond to the text messages outlining their current conditions can help the organization detect changes in patients health status as some cases of cancer may reoccur. Subsequently, responses to text messages by the participants can be used to detect any cases of complications after initial treatment is conducted. As reiterated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2012), strategies that I may employ to sustain this innovation include making a personal relationship with the participants and also aligning the content of the text messages with individual interests. This is important as it may arouse motivation and conversely help build a construct ive relationship based on trust between the medical practitioners and the participants. In a nutshell, text messaging and nurse follow-up as an innovation can be used to track health progress among patients suffering from a wide range of illnesses. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2012).Daily Text Messages and Nurse Follow-up Improve Self-Management Behaviors in Patients with Diabetes, Leading to Better Glycemic Control and Lower
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Preparation of Acetyl Salicylic Acid (Aspirin) Lab Report
Preparation of Acetyl Salicylic Acid (Aspirin) - Lab Report Example In the following experiment we embark to acquaint ourselves with a simple laboratory protocol for the synthesis of aspirin. This procedure will use acetic anhydride and sulfuric acid as the acid catalyst of the reaction. Objective: To illustrate the synthesis of the drug, aspirin and determine its purity by a chemical test Materials and methods: Synthesis of Aspirin A water- bath was prepared by filling half-way a 400mL beaker with water and the water heated to boiling point. 2.004g of salicylic acid was placed in a 125mL Erlenmeyer flask. Carefully 3mL of acetic anhydride was added to the flask and while swirling 3 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid were added. To avoid eye irritation and burns caused by acetic anhydride and sulfuric acid respectively, the chemicals were handled in the hood in gloves. The reagents were mixed and then the flask was placed in the boiling water-bath and heated for 15minutes. The setting of the practical is as shown in the diagram 1.1 below. This disso lved any solid while the solution was occasionally swirled. The Erlenmeyer flask was removed from the bath and left to cool to approximately the room temperature. The solution in the flask was then poured into a 150-mL beaker containing 20mL of ice water and mixed thoroughly before placing the beaker in an ice bath. The water destroyed any remnant of unreacted acetic anhydride and caused the insoluble aspirin to precipitate from the solution. The crystals were collected by filtering under suction with a Buchner funnel as shown in diagram 1.2 below. The side-arm of a 250mL filter flask was connected to a water aspirator with heavy wall vacuum rubber tubing. The Buchner funnel was inserted into the filter flask through a one-hole rubber stopper and a filter paper placed into the Buchner funnel making sure the paper covered all the holes. Finally the water was poured to the paper to wet it and then the water aspirator was turned on to a maximum water flow and the solution in the beaker poured into the funnel. The crystals were washed with two portions of cold water each 5mL and then followed by a one 10mL portion of cold ethanol. The suction of air was continued through the crystal for several minutes so as to dry them. The crystals were placed between several sheets of filter paper using a spatula and press-dried. A 50mL beaker was weighed before placing the crystals and reweighing the beaker. The weight and percentage yield of the crude aspirin was determined. Diagram 2: filtering using the Buchner funnel Procedure to determination of aspirin purity Three test tubes each 100 x 13 mm were labeled 1, 2, 3 and a few crystals of salicylic acid placed in the test tube-1 and in test tube-2 a small sample the newly synthesized aspirin was placed whereas for test tube-3 a small sample of crushed commercial was placed. In each of the test tubes, 5mL of distilled water was added and test tubes shaken to dissolve the crystals and a further 10 drops of 1% aqueous ferric ch loride was also added to each test tube. Observation and comparisons were made from the three test tubes and recorded. Results and Discussion Theoretical yield 2.004g salicylic acid X Weight of 50-mL beaker = 39.21 Weight of the aspirin and the beaker = 40.69 Weight of aspirin = Weight of the aspirin and the beaker - Weight of 50-mL beaker 40.69 – 39.21 = 1.48 g Weight of crude aspirin = 1.48 g Percent yield = 56.70% Chemical test with ferric chloride Presence of unreacted salicylic acid can be detected with 1% ferric chloride
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