Monday, December 30, 2019
The Vietnam War Essay - 1140 Words
The Vietnam War Student unrest and the Vietnam War In the middle 1960s, every male in America had to register for Selective Service Draft at age 18. He would then be eligible for the draft and could be inducted into the Army for a period of two years. If you were a college student, you could receive a deferment and would be able to finish college without the fear of being drafted. However, once finished with college, a students name would be put to the very top of the draft list and could be deployed at anytime. The anti-war movement was about young men being drafted and then sent into war that most Americans did not believe threatened the security of the US. The Vietnam War was America’s rebellious war, a war without popular support†¦show more content†¦College students were aware that over 38,000 American troops had been killed in Vietnam and if something wasn’t done on the streets of America, many more would die. With tensions running high all over America’s college campues, the unrest of the anti-war movent was just about to get worse. Nixon’s decision to engage more troops into a sensless War, sparked a new wave of protests that errupted into many violent standoffs. Unknown to the country, this unrest would take a fatal and trajic turn. On May 4, 1970, Kent State went into history as one of the most powerful single events and images that America would ever witness during the Vietnam era. It would be reminisant of a battle field engagement, as gunfire would fill the Midwest college campus and bring the front lines of Americas war over Vietnam. In 13 chaotic seconds, the Ohio National Guard fired their weapons at antiwar demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine. The shootings solidified the antiwar movement not only in America, but worldwide as well. By the next day photographs of the slain students, and the horror that was depicted over every possilbe news media, immortilized the name Kent State and cut through the nations conscience. Think about the War that America is involved in now, why isn’t there the same unrest and turmoil among college stundents and everyday Americans? In comparison, there is no draft. I believe much of the stundent unrest could have been the threat of any young American going toShow MoreRelatedThe War Of Vietnam And The Vietnam War1525 Words  | 7 PagesThe war in Vietnam is The United States and other capitalist bloc countries supported South Vietnam (Republic of Vietnam) against the support by the Soviet Union and other socialist bloc countries of North Vietnam (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) and the Vietcong of war. Which occurred during the Cold War of Vietnam (main battlefield), Laos, and Cambodia. This is the biggest and longtime war in American history during the 1960s (Best 2008). It is also the most significant war after World War IIRead MoreThe Vietnam War On Vietnam1725 Words  | 7 PagesThe War on Vietnam Many believe that the way Americans entered the war against the North Vietnam communists was unjust. The United States got into a war that they had no clue on how to win. â€Å"The Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North Vietnam and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The divisive war, increasingly unpopular at home, ended with the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 1973Read MoreThe Vietnam War : Vietnam1170 Words  | 5 PagesBeyond Vietnam. The Vietnam War is one of the most traumatic episodes in the history of the United States. Not only because it ended with a defeat for the United States Army, but because unleashed the largest wave of protests in the country, in which the government lost support. Extended over more than a decade, between 1959 to April 30 of 1975, although the US intervened in 1965, in which American soldiers experienced in firsthand scenes of destruction and death. During the Vietnam War clashedRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam920 Words  | 4 Pages1940’s Vietnam was trying to break free of French reign over their country. During this time period Vietnam was split into two parts, north and south. The Japanese had decided to take over Vietnam in 1942. They couldn’t capture all of Vietnam, so they decided to retreat. North Vietnam proclaimed independence on September 2, 1945 as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The State of Vietnam declared independence on June 14, 1949, but rema ined under French rule until August 1, 1954. South Vietnam was theRead MoreVietnam And The Vietnam War1711 Words  | 7 Pages â€Æ' The Vietnam War was one of the bloodiest wars in the history of Vietnam. Vietnam use to be a peaceful country until the idea of communism started spreading across Vietnam. Many wanted to stay democratic but saw what happened to the Germans and started to lean towards communism. Many also wanted to stay democratic and still had it hopes high that it will soon get their lives and economy back on track. It later exploded into a huge argument and then leads to a civil war spurring between NorthRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam952 Words  | 4 Pageswords that describe the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War had 240 days of combat in one year. World War II had forty days of combat in four years(Interesting Facts). That statistic shows how rough the Vietnam War was. The fighting was constant between the two sides. This war was fought over politics and had many gruesome battles. Before the Vietnam war, Vietnam was in a revolution because they did not want to be ruled by France. Vietnam wanted to be independent right after World War II ended in 1945. JapanRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1534 Words  | 7 Pages The Vietnam War began November 1st, 1955 and ended April 30th, 1975. It was a long costly war that involved North Vietnam and their Southern allies, known as Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its main ally the United States. This war was very unpopular at home and would end with the withdrawal of the United States and the unification of Vietnam under communist control. Many think of war as something that just men are involved in but very rarely do people think of the role of women in the warRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1573 Words  | 7 PagesA. The Vietnam War occurred from 1955-1975, this included the North and South fighting over government structure of the newly independent state of Vietnam, having recently become independent f rom France. However, the USA was in Vietnam as a sort of protection for the South Vietnamese people, who had a weaker army force, but only a few thousand Americans were in Vietnam for that purpose at the time. On August 7, 1964, the USA entered the war for the purpose of fighting the North Vietnamese due toRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam2003 Words  | 9 PagesThe Vietnam War in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia lasted from November 1st, 1955 to around April 30th, 1975. The war was split up between two sides, North Vietnam, who were allied with the Soviet Union, China, and most of the communist countries during this time period, and South Vietnam, who were allied with the United States and many countries that were against the belief of Communism. Although the United States did not necessarily have to get involved in the war, they believed that they had too soRead MoreVietnam And The Vietnam War1987 Words  | 8 PagesIn 1945, at the end of WWII, Vietnam started their war for ind ependence against their colonial rulers, France. Nine years after the start of the First Indochina War, the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu which led to a peace conference in Geneva. At the conference, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam received their independence from France. However, Vietnam was divided between a Communist North and a Democratic South. In 1958, Communist- supported guerrillas in South Vietnam, known as the Viet Cong, began
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Descriptive Statistics Paper - 1184 Words
The housing market was once known as the biggest money making industry in the United States. Housing, which was the way our economy made the majority of their money, is now contributing less to the economic expansion. The decline in the housing market has raised many concerns throughout the entire country. This paper provides statistics on the United States population housing market, economy, demographical characteristics, demographical area and the large amount vacant property. Included in this research document are analysis of data sets, charts and graph to help interpret the housing crisis. Research Problem The purpose of this research is to determine why the housing market is in a downfall and if there is a way to get homeowners†¦show more content†¦ Source: Census Bureau. (April 29, 2007). Vacant Homes Stacking Up Around the Nation. Housing Doom. Retrieved. November 9, 2008 from World Wide Web. Available: http://housing The housing market has been facing the outcome of a decline of community growth for homeowners refinancing their mortgages due to the increase of rising surroundings foreclosure rates. The rise in vacant homes have led to lower revenues for communities because the government is failing to support completely and come to the aid of existing struggling homeowners and persevering the opportunities for future owners. City managers, mayors, and other elected public officials have a moral obligation ask the federal government for assistance in order to alleviate the crisis. The real estate market can stabilize if the government will pass bills, which include tax provisions to help curb the rise in foreclosures. The situation will not get any better if homeowners do not advocate for reform in lending practices and by allowing the government to ignore the pleas for their homes not to be ended up on the auction block. The radical changes in the economy have left an exceptional mark on how society currently is viewing the housing market and the possible outcome of a recession. The US economy will undoubtedly slide into recession if the numbers of home values continue to drop, and continuing access to new credit. The generally usedShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Statistics Paper1701 Words  | 7 PagesDescripitive Statistics Paper Descriptive Statistics Paper Laura L. Mason, Becky Matlock, and Nichole Noble RES/341 June 15, 2011 David Morrisson Descriptive Statistics Paper Major League Baseball is known as America’s favorite pastime, and MLB teams spend an extensive amount of money in the excess of a billion dollars with the ultimate goal to win the World Series. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019
Essay about Overpopulation in the United States - 1949 Words
Overpopulation in the United States The world is being over populated with humans not only in China but in the United States of America as well. The problem isn’t as obvious in the United States as in other countries, but I believe over-populated nations will soon become a problem everywhere in the world. Population is not a bad thing in all situations, but I think that our population growth problem is un-healthy and needs to slow down. I believe there are several ways to come about this problem as well. Population can be slowed down in many ways; it’s just how we choose to execute this problem. I do not think drastic measurements need to take place in order to slow down our rapid growth in the United States. Regulations and higher†¦show more content†¦The government went into even more drastic measurements for this policy, forcing abortions, sterilizations, and fines on an entire village when a birth that was not supposed to happen occurred. China is a male-or ientated country; therefore, females got the short end of the stick when it came down to the one-child policy. For example, if you were supposed to have a girl they would force you to try harder for a boy because males were more valuable in China. China is still very over populated to this day, and I believe it is carrying on into the United States. This worries me because I would not want to be involved or participate in the one-child policy. That is why I believe that, though right now our population is not a problem, it soon can become one, and it should start to be controlled and organized better then what it is being now. Abortions and sterilization were enforced in China to slow down their population problem. In order for us to slow down our population problem in the United States I do not think abortions are necessary. I think less drastic measures can take place in order to slow down reproduction. For example, in order to go to school, every child must get shots. They are m andatory, or else you cannot go to school; it’s required by the government. I think the government should make it mandatory that all females be on some kind of birth control, such as the shot, patch pill, etc., untilShow MoreRelatedHow to Save an Animal Life Essay1636 Words  | 7 Pagesit is not their time. This is due to overpopulation in animal shelters. Death in animal shelters due to overpopulation is a problem that I believe could easily be resolved if we were to take more responsibility as pet owners. There are simply too many animals being brought into this world, and not enough space or homes for them to live. As pet owners, we need to take responsibility in the way we handle this problem. As sad as it is, the issue of overpopulation is one that is literally deadly. 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The definition of overpopulation is, â€Å"†¦too many people for the amount of food, materials, and space available†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Cambridge Dictionaries). This means that overpopulation will impact crucial aspects of th e planet and not just increase city sizes. Robert Kolb suggested in the Encyclopedia of Business EthicsRead MoreA Great Matter Of Concern Today Or Just A Bust?1667 Words  | 7 Pages â€Æ' A Great Matter of Concern Today or Just a Bust? While India is on the verge of being the most populated country. While the third world countries are deprived of their resources rapidly. People in the United States have to say that the problem of over population has been curbed and infant production rate controlled. Recently, one of the commentators in prominent U.S. publication declared that the population boom is a bust. Whether it is actually a bust nowRead MoreOverpopulation : Preserve The World1291 Words  | 6 Pages Overpopulation: Preserve The World If there was a way to have a better life for you and your loved ones would you take it? Or would you rather not take the opportunity and struggle throughout the rest of your life, this will happen by world overpopulation. In the past, Overpopulation started out from the baby boom which increased the birthrate, and according to Ewan Mcleish the author of â€Å"Overcrowded World, (16)†he stated that it made 40% of the national population. Today, overpopulation is aRead MoreOverpopulation Is A Social Science1492 Words  | 6 PagesCaloia, Angela Mr.Beck Geography 9 February 9 2016 Overpopulation is Overhyped Overpopulation has made headlines through the decades, advertised as one of the most pressing global issues future generations will have to confront, scientists stating that we as humans are undermining the life support system that sustains up. This, however, is untrue. Overpopulation defines a situation where the number of people exhaust the resources such that it can no longerRead MoreHow Overpopulation Affects Education Being in a classroom full of twenty people is a normal800 Words  | 4 PagesHow Overpopulation Affects Education Being in a classroom full of twenty people is a normal persons day, but being in a room full of seventy people is an example of overpopulation affecting education. Overpopulation in education affects the people and children very much. It affects the kids by the way they are being taught and the distractions around them. The overcrowding in classrooms cause many children to feel more negative. They feel more negative because most kids in a crowded roomRead MoreThe Effects Of Human Overpopulation On The Environment1242 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of Human Overpopulation on the Environment â€Å"Can one apple slice feed the world?†If the world were an apple, farmland would only be one very thin slice. 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These specific issues were selected because of the widespread availability of informationRead MoreA Brief Note On Animal Shelter And The American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty Essay965 Words  | 4 PagesThey are many shelters in the United States being over populated with animals. Dogs and cats are left at the shelters for many reason. The question being research is why are animal shelter over populate. What are the causes of animal shelter being over populated? What are the benefit of adopting? What are the effect on animal in over populated shelters? And how can we help animal shelters stop being over populated? ASPCA. (2010). Pet Overpopulation. Teacher Newsletter of the American Society for
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
How do Jane Austen and E.M Forster portray their heroines...
The independence of the heroines in â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†and â€Å"A Room With a View†can be defined by their unconventional views and the fearlessness that they display. In â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†, Austen presents her heroine Elizabeth as having unconventional views on marriage and society. It is clear that in Austen’s choice of Elizabeth she is presenting an alternative role model for the women of Regency society. Similarly, in â€Å"A Room With a View†, E.M Forster’s heroine Lucy demonstrates an independence and fearlessness in her choices which challenges society’s expectations. Elizabeth’s views are of crucial importance to her independence; both in her personal life and views of wider society. Elizabeth’s view of supporting her sister after†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, irony is evident in this statement, in the verb â€Å"dreadful†which suggests that there is an underling problem in Regency England, where women are the oppressed victims of a patriarchal society and matrimony was the only alternative, this is reinforced in Regency law where women did not legally own any money or property unless they were widowed or heiresses, accompanied by the accepted belief that â€Å"Men have a larger share of reason bestowed on them†(Dr Gregory). Moreover, this irony suggests that Austen did not agree with this approach on marriage. In â€Å"A Room With A View†Lucy exhibits confidence in her independent views, when purchasing Botticelli’s â€Å"Birth of Venus†, where Venus is nude, â€Å"Miss Bartlett h ad persuaded her to do without it†, however; Lucy trusts her own unconventional opinion and taste consequently, displaying independence. Elizabeth’s independent views are evident in her actions; a prime example is her rejection of the marriage proposals of Mr Collins and Mr Darcy despite the obvious financial gain and stability that it would provide her family; Elizabeth believes Mr Collins to be â€Å"a conceited, pompous, narrow-minded, silly man†and most importantly that â€Å"[he] could not make [her] happy†. Elizabeth also rejects Darcy, a wealthy aristocrat, on the grounds of his pride and moreover, for potentially
Friday, December 13, 2019
Action of Barbituates Free Essays
Homework Assignment Chapter 4 Addiction Studies (BHHS) Sherman Howard 1. Describe, the action of Barbiturates. They reduce sensory sensitivity to pleasure or pain. We will write a custom essay sample on Action of Barbituates or any similar topic only for you Order Now Replace’s the need for sex, food and emotional involvement. 2. Describe the action of benzodiazepines and their withdrawal symptoms. Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers; they cause dopamine levels to surge producing a pleasurable sensation. Withdrawal involves seizures, convulsions, and even death. 3. What is the biggest danger with drug synergism when using two depressant drugs? Overdose! 4. What is a paradoxical reaction to tranquilizers? Becoming more active instead of calmer. 5. Why is withdrawal so life threatening for alcohol and the barbiturates? Both can lead to Seizures and death. 6. Who is the hidden addict? An unborn Fetus can be, if the mother is an addict. ______________________________________________________________________________ Part Two: 1. What is the approximate percentage of alcohol in beer? Wine? Whiskey? Beer5% – Wine15% – Whiskey45% 2. What does BAC stand for? Blood Alcohol Concentration. 3. Describe the processing of alcohol from digestion to absorption. 0% is absorbed by the stomach the remaining 80% is absorbed in the small intestines. 4. What is alcohol effect on digestion and liver? Alcohol can stop digestion and increase hydrochloric acid production. Alcohol also causes a drop in blood sugar which can lead to a hypoglycemic state. 5. Name some factors that often predict alcoholism? Poor learning ability, poor judgment, short-te rm memory is affected. 6. After frequent high dose use†¦ which is more dangerous: immediate alcohol withdrawal or immediate heroin withdrawal? Alcohol is more immediate. Sherman Howard How to cite Action of Barbituates, Essay examples
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Strategic Management Plans of Coffeeville Free Case Study
Question: Scenario Coffeeville is a small cafe in Melbourne, Victoria, run by siblings Rufus and Emma Belcastran. The business was opened in 2009 with a focus on providing high quality, socially responsible products based on fair trade and locally sourced ingredients. Thanks to their strong ethics, delicious menu and friendly atmosphere, Rufus and Emma have experienced such success that they are now opening a second cafe, with plans to expand even further in the future. As the business grows, they want to ensure that they remain true to their staff and are hoping to achieve Employer of Choice (EOC) status. With a strong focus on their staff during this expansion phase, you have been hired to help Rufus and Emma by developing a new recruitment, selection and induction program. The aim of this program is to attract and select highly qualified and enthusiastic staff, induct them into this family business in a way that helps them to settle in and feel included while also keeping in mind the goal of becoming an EOC. This needs to be done in a way that supports current and future expansion and takes full advantage of the technology options available. Prepare a business report suitable for presentation to the business owners that details the policy and procedure framework you propose for the recruitment, selection and induction programs. Answer: Executive summary Employees actually are the most vital resources for any business, thus it is always very important for any firm to have a proper recruitment as well as selection and even a good induction process. This forever is intended for ensuring that best possible person is recruited to a post where he/she can be most effective and efficient and give proper outcome to the firm. There also are several different aspects to be considered during recruitment as well as selection process, thus this report considers issues which a firm named Coffeeville must consider for recruitment, selection as well as proper induction of new staffs in the firm while the organization id going to undertake an expansion process in coming days and will need many new staffs and also some novel experts to handle several different operations. Coffeeville is facing a situation where it needs to take decision that whether it will be acceptable by the firm if it recruits internally otherwise an external recruitment will be b eneficial for the firm. Actually there are the advantages as well as disadvantages of both the looms. There also are legal considerations which are associated with the recruitment plus selection as well as induction plan. Analysis Of Current Strategic Plus Operational Plans CoffeeVille supplies a very sole as well as compelling experience of caf for all the discriminating plus even socially aware drinkers of coffee at Melbourne. The firm has a proper talent management policy which involves a very strong commitment towards designing as well as execution of an integrated, technological plus strategic approach towards management of human resources (Ahmad and Schroeder, 2002). Recruiting right person at right place plus on right time needs correct strategy. This is also because merely a right person constitutes of strategic possessions of any firm. Proposed Plan Recruitment and Selection- Initial steps in the recruitment must be pragmatic as well as straightforward. Here it is vital for HR department to analyze and know the ways, in which several people that are needed by the firm are to be recruited, and skills plus capabilities which these people must possess. A very easy way towards addressing all this issue is to demeanor an analysis of job skills, cautiously considering content plus requirement of the job functions comprising of an evaluation of the technical skills plus even intangible otherwise softer skills like communication, innovation and even sales capability. Idyllically job skills evaluation must be incorporated within a very strategic assessment and appraisal of HR needs so that Coffeeville can be very confident that they carry necessary skills enclosed within human capital of business towards achievement of long-run objectives of the firm (Bergman, 1981). Process application- Source: (Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), 2015) 1) Writing job description as well as person specification- it will include about a week time2) Grading job- This will be about grading the jobs as per priority and this would be completed in a week3) Financial approval- The firm must take approval from the finance department, this will give detail about how much can be spent behind the process4) Redeployment- this would take two weeks of time5) Meting out the advert will be done here (Chavchanidze, 1969)6) Advertising- This will need about two weeks and the firm will need to enhance this to about four weeks if the job may attract public who don't carry right to work within the local area 7) Short listing- It will merely be completed in two days. This would diverge depending upon number of candidates who apply.8) Inviting candidates: The candidates will be sent invitations where they will be informed about the timing, date and venue of the interview9) Time amid inviting the candidates plus their selection will indulge a week time.10) Selection- It will be done in a single day. The firm here must allow little time if it is seeing many candidates and using the preliminary selection, evaluation centres etc. Future expansion- With astute moves plus good luck, the firm business would grow within coming months plus years. Thus its the real time to initiate plotting skills mix as well as bandwidth which the firm will need to manage the firms next stage. The firm need sto deal with several challenges as it is going to expand in a new market having a novel ecology where it needs to adjust and handle itself in a manner through which attainment of aims and objectives is easily possible. Technology opportunities- Since the firm is expanding into new market and is going to face new ecology and also the firm would face good technological enhancement and need for development and growth. The firm might also try to develop technologically and also must attempt to indulge this technology into the process of recruitment, selection plus induction to make it and easy and on-going process (FACULTY RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION, 2012). a) The firm might use internet for advertising its vacancies and needs to staffs to reach a greater audience which would ensure that the firm hires best personnel who would later be the most beneficial one for the firmb) The firm might use new technologies like power point presentations and movie makers to provide proper induction to staffs so that they understand things easily.c) Video callings and online as well as telephonic interviews can also be held Use of tools- There exist a vast variety of pre -employment evaluation, tests, as well as tools that then firm can use towards helping itself through hiring process. a) Skills Testing this will be particularly beneficial for positions that need a phase of competency within any detailed software programs and computer operations otherwise testable knowledge like customer service answer and many more. b) Psychometric Assessments This will be perfect when it will come to assessing the team fit, hard work, motivation, and also work styles all around the customer service and sales as well as a variety of additional industry explicit skills. c) Drug Testing- the actual screening of candidates for any illegal drugs also will be a tool for selection that the here might use to make sure that they won't carry any problem with matter abuse otherwise workplace safety (Knight, 2011). Position descriptions plus person specifications- It will be expected from the candidates that they would perform all of their duties referred to within the position description otherwise any similar document along with many other duties as well as responsibilities that might be assigned timely plus communicated to the firm. Also they might also be in accordance with the firms policies advised to the firm. Also undertaking actions and responsibilities will be mentioned in the description provided to the new staffs (Pierce, 2007). Letters, Pay and offer- The employment initially be kept on a three months of probation period at the time of which employees will be expected to properly perform all their duties within the position explanation to satisfaction of managers and the owners. Timing of work will be managed towards meeting work demands in the firm and with the change in this demand the timings also might differ. The proper cash of the wages for staffs will also be paid actually fortnightly in the nominated bank account of the staffs. No cash payment will be done. Hiring manager- The hiring manager will have to focus upon recruiting more and more talent and also will have to select the most efficient one. He will be responsible for providing equal opportunity of employment to the entire candidate without being biased and partial (Koboldt, 1996). Staffs will then be selected and even later promoted as per the merit irrespective of caste, race, gender or anything else (Pearse, 1978). Utilization of outsourcing- Since the firm is expanding to an all new location where it needs to analyze the market trend and condition and is now unaware about such details it can about the recruitment process outsourcing for its recruitment and selection process. Here the firm can outsources otherwise transfers all and even a portion of its recruitment actions to any exterior service provider. Legal requirements- When starting the recruiting process, it is important to be aware of certain legal issues in order to minimize risk. Job postings, interview questions, checking references and making job offers all need to be done in a way that meets legal requirements. In some cases, you could be asking unlawful or even discriminatory questions without even knowing it (Lehtonen, 2011). Feedback processes- The feedback about the process and the recruitment, selections as well as induction plan will be collected via distributing questionnaires to the top level managers who will fill in the same and return back and later their answers can be observed and analyzed to bring out the real effectiveness of the firm in the process. Even after selection and same days later the firm can collect the views of staffs about the new employees. How every process will get monitored? a) Coffeeville will be required to abide by the Equality Act 2010 towards monitoring all of the recruitment plus selection activities for assessing the processb) Applications must normally be submitted online plus candidates should complete the equality monitoring explanations as portion of their application.c) If any applicant has got any justifiable cause for not applying then equality monitoring data yet must be attained (Omisore and Okofu, 2014). Covering Letter Ms. Joan Ms. Emma BelcastranExecutive DirectorCoffeeville13 Hill Street Boston, MA 02116 Dear Ms. Joan Emma This is to bring into your concern that I am pleased to present this proposal intended for the making of policy and plans as well as strategies for the recruitment, selection and even induction of novel staffs that will be needed in the Coffeevilles new branch which has been planned to be opened in the new location for ensuring proper expansion of the firm. A lack of efficient staffs can lead firm towards many losses and thus it is utmost needed at current state of expansion. The plan suggests attaining employees through wider source using internet and even using many tools like drug testing and psychometric testing for selection of the novel staff which could later help the firm attain better results. Also the plan is about inducting the staffs through use of new technologies related to the training and teaching of employees. The plan comprises of use of many power point presentations and movies and videos to show the staffs what is the culture of the firm, and also to make them aware about the things needed and even expected from them. Even all the pay scales and process for leave granted as well as collection of feedback after the implementation of process is also explained within the proposal which includes that the collection of feedback will be done through distribution of questionnaire. To perform the policy and plan a proper approval from the finance department will also be needed. All your contributions and also the approval will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Christopher Fisher Communication Strategy 1. A good employee focused interaction will be led from top to bottom2. Managers will be informed about the proposal through meetings and also via a written document3. Consistency will be maintained in the message4. Charismatic but natural as well as planned communications will be extra effective.5. Communication through line manager will be preferred plus more effective6. Staff communications will never be optional extras as they are portion of commerce as usual plus will be needed to get planned as well as budgeted.7. There also must be proper integration amid the internal plus external communications8. The tone for communication will be a vital part (Muir, 1996)9. Feedback will be collected whether staffs have understood the details or not. Feedback Form QUESTION YES NO Will the proposal be successful one as per your view? Will the firm be able to attain good employees through this policy? Do you support the pay scheme of the proposal? Do you like the intention of outsourcing that will be done? Will the type of tools planned to be used, support the policy and will it be efficient? Write suggestion, if any______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ References Ahmad, S. and Schroeder, R. (2002). The importance of recruitment and selection process for sustainability of total quality management. Int J Qual Reliability Mgmt, 19(5), pp.540-550. Bergman, J. (1981). Recruitment/selection retention. Geriatric Nursing, 2(3), pp.199-202. Chavchanidze, V. (1969). Induction of psychointellectual activity in long-term forecasting and planning of research: Psychoheuristic programming. Technological Forecasting, 1(2), pp.129-139. FACULTY RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION. (2012). Higher Education Abstracts, 47(1), pp.23-23. Knight, M. (2011). Communicating Responsibly. Business Communication Quarterly, 74(2), pp.101-102. Koboldt, C. (1996). Consistent planning, backwards induction, and rule-governed behavior. Constitutional Political Economy, 7(1), pp.35-48. Lehtonen, M. (2011). Communicating Competence Through Pechakucha Presentations. Journal of Business Communication, 48(4), pp.464-481. Muir, C. (1996). Workplace Readiness for Communicating Diversity. Journal of Business Communication, 33(4), pp.475-484. Omisore, B. and Okofu, B. (2014). Staff Recruitment and Selection Process in the Nigerian Public Service: What is to be done?. ijhrs, 4(3), p.280. Pearse, R. (1978). The role of selection based on academic criteria in the recruitment process at an Indonesian government university. High Educ, 7(2), pp.157-176. Pierce, E. (2007). The Proposal Project. Business Communication Quarterly, 70(3), pp.320-324. Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). (2015). [image] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2015].
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Ethics in Social Work Practice free essay sample
The term, ethics is defined as a set of moral principles and convictions about what is right versus wrong, and the consequent behavior of an individual, group, profession, or culture. And the term values are an integral part of social work education, the educational background of practitioners may also influence the use of a decision-making process. The NASW has an established Code of Ethics, (1996) for the profession. And the code applies not only to social workers but also to social work students. In addition, social worker must follow the Code regardless of the professional functions they perform, the setting they work in, or the populations they serve. The Code summarizes broad ethical principles that reflect the profession’s core values and establishes a set of specific ethical standards that you should use to guide your social work practice. And the primary mission of the social work profession according to the Code, is â€Å"to enhance the human well-being and help meet basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty†(p. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics in Social Work Practice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1). The six core values of the profession relate to service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, the importance of human relationships, integrity and competence. Therefore, social workers should always use these principles and standards to guide their decision-making in professional situations involving matters of ethics. When making decisions in such matters your primary source should be the Code of Ethics, In addition, you should also consider other sources of information, such as ethical theory, social work theory, relevant laws and regulations, your agency’s policies, other codes that apply, when necessary, any moral-professional judgments that you need to make in order to fully examine the issue at hand. Therefore the Code’s principles and standards should guide in the professional relationship with those you serve, your colleagues, your employers, other individuals and professions, and the community and society as a whole. The Code of Ethics obliges a social worker to ensure due consideration in the best interest of the clients and that their primary duty is to advance the well-being of the clients. Thus, when applying the Code, the social work need to take into consideration the specific nature of the situation, as well as recognize that conflicts are present, among the Code’s specific principles and standards. Therefore, the need to apply an educated judgment. For instances, when deciding an ethical issues, the context will often determine which principles or standards apply as well as how to apply them. As a social worker, one must comply with the regulations, policies, and procedures of the agency, organizations, and voluntary associations you work with . And as a social worker, in the jail system, I have been confronted with the ethical dilemma, but I always apply the policy and procedure of the agency to influence my sense of judgments toward the discharge of my duties. For example, my faith, and, culture is not receptive to homosexual, whereas the policy does not discriminate against any inmate, and as such all should be treated equally, fairly, and, in a consistent manner. In addition, the core value of the social work practice, which centers on helping the vulnerable members of the society influences the cause of my work. Therefore, social worker’s values and ethics are intended to help practitioners recognize the morally correct way to practice, and to decide how to act correctly in specific professional situations. As ethical dilemmas are typically defined in terms of competing values, the internalization of professional values should lead a social worker to identify readily ethical issues when confronted with conflicting values and use those conflicting values as a way to initiate ethical discussion and deliberation.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Summative Essay on Corporate Finance Essay Example
Summative Essay on Corporate Finance Essay Corporate Finance Summative Paper Using Capital Asset Pricing Model and The weighted Average Cost of Capital There are various methods that can be used in estimating the the returns of assets. Most of these asset projection techniques are covered in financial time series analysis. The return of the assets can be estimated with the aid of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), according to which: the return on the asset = risk free rate + beta x (expected return on the market risk free rate) Description of Capital Asset Pricing Model -CAPM CAPM is a primary tool that can be used to tackle assignments that seek to investigate the relationship between risk and expected returns. A calculation of a firms cost of capital in which each category of capital is proportionately weighted. We will write a custom essay sample on Summative Essay on Corporate Finance specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Summative Essay on Corporate Finance specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Summative Essay on Corporate Finance specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Where: Re = cost of equity Rd = cost of debt E = market value of the firms equity D = market value of the firms debt V = E + D E/V = percentage of financing that is equity D/V = percentage of financing that is debt Tc = corporate tax rate Businesses often discount cash flows at WACC to determine the Net Present Value (NPV) of a project, using the formula: NPV = Present Value (PV) of the Cash Flows discounted at WACC.
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